Digital Escapism: The Hidden Side of Technology and the Risks to Mental Health

Many take refuge in technology to escape from this Blue Monday And the next few months. Along with this technology is a A solution to a problem or people. Based on this, Kaspersky has presented a new study on the digital habits and intentions of Europeans for 2024, where it reveals the intentions of Spaniards to establish more positive digital habits to improve their mental health. 14% of those surveyed in Spain decided Prioritize direct communication with loved ones over technology. Additionally, for now, people aim for physical contact, which means being more present when interacting with others. Likewise, 14% set a goal not to look at their phone during meals or family gatherings.

Digital habits and mental health

At the same time, it should be kept in mind that Digital habit They affect people's mental health. Currently, a large percentage of people are taking action Limit notifications as they have a negative impact on your mood. For their part, Spanish people try to limit their digital exposure to avoid consuming unpleasant news. In this sense, 53% confirm that in 2024 they are more likely to resort to digital escapism, that is, to disconnect from the Internet by reducing its use.

Regarding news and social networking applications 30% of Spaniards block or hide accounts that bother them on social networks, 22% have turned off push notifications, and 28% have turned off messaging channels and groups they don't like. Likewise, in Spain, research shows that the desire to escape is very common and necessary among the younger generations, especially Generation Z, where 70% confirm that they will seek more digital escapism this year (compared to 44% of Generation X. and 36% of Baby Boomers).

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To conclude, David M., Principal Security Analyst at Kaspersky“The risks to mental health associated with a constant presence on social networks and an uninterrupted news cycle have been documented for some time, as have the potential long-term effects of social isolation induced by the coronavirus pandemic. Covid-19 is therefore encouraging to see people taking steps to control their digital lives. We hope this trend continues. , and we hope people will take back control of their online lives and the information they receive and share. The year is a good time to clean up: close unused accounts that may be at risk, check passwords that may be insecure, and review how we interact with apps and people, new parameters and Establish healthy boundaries.

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