Technology to Reduce Construction Costs: Myth or Reality?

Technology to Reduce Construction Costs: Myth or Reality?

In the past few years, the construction industry has seen a technological revolution thanks to Building Information Modeling (BIM). This innovative design and project management technique has grown in popularity and become an essential tool for architects, engineers and professionals in the field.

In Rosario, it was Construction building Bringing this method to the city and implementing it in all his works for over 15 years: “There was a moment when we realized that the world and ways of working are evolving and we don’t want to be left behind. We always like to use cutting edge technologies. That’s when BIM appeared and we completely changed our paradigm,” said the company’s current CEO, Eng. Commented by Nicolas Ruggiero. It continues to be the basis of the digital revolution in the construction industry in our country today.

What is the new contribution to the field?

This method integrates all the people involved into a 3D digital model of the construction project, facilitating collaboration and communication between them and all data and construction information. Edilizia, for its part, is recognized under the motto “build before building” as it implements this innovative technology from the early stages of its projects.

Edilicia’s current general manager, architect Ximena Alvarez, tells us how they implement BIM in the company, and “before reaching the construction phase we work with the whole team, creating a prototype of a model. , taking it to the highest development, to work with the whole team and avoid errors We upload all the information there to reduce the maximum. This is where the materials and components used in the project are loaded, which facilitates the planning of work and efficient management of resources, accurate and quick information can be obtained about costs, installations and automatically the amount of required materials. Everything is digitally recorded. Once the implementation of the project begins , this virtual prototype becomes the work’s “digital twin.” To implement it, the construction company uses different 3D modeling software, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and sensors that capture real-time data from the construction site and the building.

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Now, is it true that BIM reduces costs?

Through this virtual prototyping, actors enter the model and evaluate where it is convenient to place facilities, avoiding interferences between them, which is called “conflict testing”: “We check interferences with the model.

“We resolve conflicts digitally before they are on site, thus avoiding actual detours,” says the team.
Edilisia. These “actual deviations” often create additional work and, therefore, additional costs by correcting an error or interruption that was not foreseen during the design phase.

Another great strength of BIM is its ability to improve planning and resource management, which is a relevant factor when it comes to reducing costs and rework during the process. By using the method, different construction scenarios can be simulated and evaluated, which allows identifying the best solutions to reduce costs and execution time.

In addition to the proverbial “start-to-finish” construction phase, BIM offers significant benefits in the maintenance and operation phase of a building. The company says that if you have an updated, accurate and informative BIM model, it’s much easier when performing certain types of maintenance because you can quickly know where pipes and interruptions go, which they call “convenience.” Management”.

The Edilicia team already has extensive experience in implementing this method, “BIM has proven to be a revolutionary tool in the construction industry, capable of going beyond design and visualization. From improving planning and resource management to improving the maintenance and operation of buildings, BIM has changed the way we approach projects, and we continue to bet on the evolution of this innovative method every day.

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