Dina Boluarte and TV Perú: Who is the new president of IRTP and whose appointment is worrying? | Have you worked in Tina Polwart’s office before? | TV Peru | IPE | National Radio | principle

Dina Boluarte and TV Perú: Who is the new president of IRTP and whose appointment is worrying?  |  Have you worked in Tina Polwart’s office before?  |  TV Peru |  IPE |  National Radio |  principle

Ninoska Sandhya was appointed as its Chairperson National Radio and Television Institute of Peru (IRTP) This raises the concern of various organizations that protect press freedom. This is due to his closeness with President Tina Polwart.

Prior to joining IRTP, Sandia served as director of strategic communications and corporate image in Polwart’s office. Earlier, the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion worked in 2021 and 2022 during the administration of the current Head of State.

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Sandhya was appointed in the incorporated company Replaces Jesus Solari Díaz, who resigned on May 29. According to El Comercio’s sources, his departure comes after constant pressure from the Government Palace, which has intensified in the past two weeks, for TV Peru to provide more content in support of Polwart’s administration.

The same sources indicated that the executive did not want a question posed to the president by a TV Peru reporter last Friday about the protests that resulted in deaths between December 2022 and January 2023. .

Sandhya’s appointment was officially announced Signed by Boluarte and Minister of Culture Leslie Urteaga.

As we mentioned above, IRTP is an agency attached to the Ministry of Culture. It is composed of television media (TVPerú, TVPerú Noticias, TVPerú Internacional, Canal IPe) and radio (national).

It “promotes communication activities that contribute to the dissemination of culture, values, healthy entertainment and truthful, pluralistic, responsible and objective information, promoting Peru’s national identity and international image through the public media of the Peruvian state.”

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In a conversation with El Comercio, Rodrigo Salazar, director of the Peruvian Press Council, pointed out that “the relationship between Sandia and President Tina Polwart is very clear.”

“If we consider that this woman is very close to Tina Poluarte, how can Peruvians expect freedom from a government channel or radio, where they criticize the government? […] From the CPP, we have repeatedly said that the person in charge of IRTP should be someone with journalistic experience. Strategic communication and corporate image are very different from journalism”, emphasized.

Salazar pointed out that the doubts surrounding Sandia stem from her lack of experience as a journalist and her previous positions.

“If we consider that this woman is very close to Tina Poluarte, how can Peruvians expect freedom from a government channel or radio station, where they criticize the government?

Rodrigo Salazar, CPP

“He worked with the President [Boluarte] In the corporate image, i.e. dressing up the work of the President or ex-minister, we understand that your work at IRTP is not necessarily journalism or criticism or oversight, as I also work at Midis. , it should be, but a corporate image”, Guess.

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Salazar pointed out that public media “doesn’t have to be friends of government.”

“These media belong to all the masses,” said the director of the CPP. “The president is at a serious crossroads, with 49 deaths weighing on him, and in that sense a range of issues, such as critical journalism and the economy.” was added.

Similarly, it felt that the National Radio and Television Corporation should not be dependent on the power plant, but should be an autonomous entity. He said the company’s board of directors needed to be “reformed” and its members “trained in journalism and social communication”.

Finally, “who will be appointed as the manager of the state channel is important [TV Perú]”.

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Juliana Lines, president of Peru’s National Association of Journalists (ANP), had a similar opinion. “The appointment of someone who was in charge of President Polwart’s press as head of the Public Media Board creates a series of doubts.” He pointed out.

“Any intention to undermine IRTP’s editorial independence must be condemned. […] We know that there was pressure and complaints about the protests asked by the journalist. That cannot happen in the public media, this media is not from the government. All institutions must raise voices of protest to ensure that their status as media serving citizens is preserved and that they do not become venues for pro-government propaganda. Lynes added.

Laness also questioned Sandia’s little or no experience in radio and television. He also stressed that the executive should understand that the media responsible for IRTP are public and non-governmental and hence pluralism, independence and autonomy should be ensured.

“TV Peru and Radio National cannot give up their sense of freedom and pluralism. For some communities, this is one of the few signs of information they have”, Sentenced.

The head of the ANP said journalists working for TV Peru and Radio Nacional were afraid because they “didn’t know what fate would be for them,” state media said. They are also concerned that it “seeks to interfere with the freedom of their work”.

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Lynes warned that his agency would be “vigilant against possible reprisals or pressure” against communicators working in state media.

“We are experiencing perhaps one of the most critical moments for journalism with these bills introduced in Congress. This new attack on public media sharpens the climate for journalism in the country,” he said. came to an end.

“We are living through one of the most critical moments in journalism [el cambio en el IRTP] And bills were introduced in Congress.

Julianna Lynes, President of ANP

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For his part, Jorge Baca, former director of the National Radio and Television Society (SNRTV), “regretted” Jesus Solari’s departure.

Baga confirmed that Solari had made several attempts to “route the IRTP line” so that it could produce public and non-governmental broadcasting.

Unfortunately the state broadcasting that has characterized IRDP for years is a kind of showcase for executive power, programs are interrupted when the central government authority is holding or about to hold a press conference. An action is public […] That’s important [..] However, in the context of public broadcasting, all expressions and voices of cultural expression in the country are taken into account. explained.

The former chairman of SNRTV said, “IRTP cannot afford to lose objectivity, transparency and independence of its contents.” “They should not in any sense be comfortable with the incumbent government. It is not the mouthpiece of the executive branch and IRTP should not be. It cannot be the mouthpiece of the voice and activities of all the masses,” he added.

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Prime Minister Alberto Otterola defended Sandia. “He is a communication specialist, he has a lot of experience, he is educated, he meets the requirements established by law, and we believe that he will lead this important state communication system in the best way and with the independence that we all want”He responded to the media this Wednesday, May 31.

The head of the Cabinet of Ministers also said that they would demand independence and distance from the state media from “any decision that is favorable to the government”.

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Who is Ninoska Chandia?

IRTP’s new president holds a degree in Communication Sciences from the University of San Martín de Porres. Sandhya has held various image-related positions in ministries and other state institutions. For example,From February 20, 2023, the Secretary of the Presidential Office of the Head of State, Enrique Ernesto Vilces, held the position of Director of Strategic Communication and Corporate Image by resolution signed.

Earlier, he was Head of Communication and Image Division of Pension 65 Scheme, a Midis scheme. Sandia held the position for one year from February 2022 during Tina Polwart’s administration.

Prior to this, from August 2021 to February 2022, he was the Head of the Department’s Office of Communication and Strategic Image directed by the current Head of State.


Other disputes in IRTP

  • In February 2022, during the administration of Pedro Castillo, when Tina Poluarte was Vice President and Minister of Development and Social Content, journalist Enrique Chávez was suddenly fired from the TV Peru channel. In the last segment of his “Face to Face” program, Chávez confirmed that the state channel is going through a phase where “pluralism doesn’t seem like a flag.” The truth has raised various questions from institutions that ensure freedom of expression. Subsequently, the IRTP pointed out that it was not premature dismissal but rather non-renewal of the press officer’s service order.
  • A few days later, TV Perú decided not to renew the service order for reporter Tiffani Tibiani, who was assaulted by security personnel of Pedro Castillo on August 18, 2021. In a conversation with El Comercio, the journalist told this decision to the then manager IRTP news officer. , Julio Navarro.
  • According to Tibiani, Navarro had warned him to “be very careful with the questions he asks the authorities.”
  • In December 2022, a few days before Pedro Castillo’s coup, Italo Jiménez resigned as press manager of Peru’s National Radio and Television Company (IRTP), announcing that he had made this decision because of his “rule of conscience. The staff went from amber to red light.


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