DJ Red slams Vanessa Lopez for extortion: “For collecting my son’s pension,” model says | Barraza tomato | Love and Fire | Why they Vanessa Lopez | programs

DJ Red slams Vanessa Lopez for extortion: “For collecting my son’s pension,” model says |  Barraza tomato |  Love and Fire |  Why they Vanessa Lopez |  programs

Vanessa Lopez After revealing for the first time the identity of the father of her first child caused a huge controversy in our country, and the model assures that the well-known DJ Red is the father of her eldest son, which he refused to sign until now. The youngest

Meera: Vanessa Lopez shocks by revealing her first child’s father is DJ Redd: ‘He didn’t sign it’

After making a grand appearance at ‘Amor y Fuego’, Rodrigo Gonzalez and Gigi Mitter couldn’t hide their surprise and brought the model into the limelight, asking if it was true that the musician denounced her for extortion.

Yes, for collecting my son’s pension. I said nothing for my son, who is grown up and knows the truth.“, replied.

What does the police report say?

In a document released by the entertainment show, DJ Red slammed the model in December 2022, accusing her of threatening to go out and tell the media about her son’s pension payments.

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“On November 17, 2022, when he was at his house, he received some messages through the Instagram social network from the person of Vanessa Lopez, the complainant who is the father of her youngest 14-year-old son, therefore, asked him to pay two thousand soles for the schooling of the minor, otherwise, if he refuses, all He also said that his hand does not tremble to sit on television through Beluchine or Magali entertainment program and channel to tell. To do one more thing, take it anywayThe complaint states that would have been given.

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