Ducelia Echevarría is honest and talks about the use of anabolics: “It’s a complicated situation” | Coffee with Chevez | Video | Showbiz | programs

Ducelia Echevarría is honest and talks about the use of anabolics: “It’s a complicated situation” |  Coffee with Chevez |  Video |  Showbiz |  programs

Tuselia Hevarria was a guest on the Drome Podcast ‘Coffee with Chevez’ There he talked about his start in television and other personal topics. One of them is the use of anabolics.

As recalled, a video of the model in Miss Peru 2020 came to light where her voice was different from the current voice. Around that time, rumors of anabolic abuse began to rage, and he answered questions.

Ducelia revealed that she used the voice because she was a shy person and was 19 at the time: “It was my first time on stage, you win and learn (…) I would never put my daughter in that competition, I would never put her in it.

Ducelia Echevarría opens up about the use of anabolics

In the last broadcast of ‘Café con la Chevez’ Ducelia Echevarría was asked if she had taken anabolic drugs. The model initially responded that it was a topic she wanted to talk about.

“It’s a topic I don’t want to touch on because I don’t know anything about it… It’s a very complicated stage… The stage is very complicated, it’s very difficult, But I thank God that my daughter is in perfect health.”

However, if he was on medication, he pointed out: Sometimes you will get carried away, but my message is to be yourself. But you need to know a little more and don’t get carried away by emotions Always try to have someone by my side, I’m not around my familyThat’s good.”

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