Economic ministries in Paris and Berlin propose priorities for the next five years in Europe

Economic ministries in Paris and Berlin propose priorities for the next five years in Europe

Berlin, May 23 (EFECOM).- The economic ministries of Germany and France presented an initiative this Thursday in which they presented the priorities that Europe should have in the next five years to achieve the social objective of “first continent neutral”. From a Climatic Perspective”.

In a letter published this Thursday, the ministries said it is necessary to strengthen Europe’s global competitiveness and resilience with the aim of boosting growth.

Ahead of the European Parliament’s next parliamentary term, which begins after the European elections between June 6 and 9, the text highlights the importance of acting “quickly and collectively”.

“The EU should be fast and simple,” said the document, promoted by French and German ministers Bruno Le Maire and Robert Habeck.

“We need to implement appropriate policies to stimulate private investment and innovation across the EU,” the text said, adding that financial instruments are key to removing “unnecessary bureaucratic” burdens and “creating economic dynamism and a “smarter” regulatory framework.”

As well as simplifying the EU and enabling it to act faster, the document from the German and French economy ministries stressed that the Union would be “stronger and better by joining forces”.

This means renewing industrial bases to meet climate goals, strengthening technological capabilities and those related to the defense sector, and developing an ambitious trade policy while continuing to address the “social costs” of the green transition.

Likewise, the French and German ministries pledged strong support to the European Commission to achieve their countries’ objectives.

“The next five years will be crucial for us to achieve our objectives, show solidarity and face emerging threats together,” the document concluded. EFECOM

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