EFE Economic Day Topics for Sunday, April 21, 2024

EFE Economic Day Topics for Sunday, April 21, 2024

Electricity prices

MADRID – Self-consumption has become a silent victim of the negative price environment in the wholesale electricity market, explained by high renewable supply and low demand, which aims to be temporary rather than chronic.



Bank results

MADRID – The six biggest Spanish banks combined earned 6.22 billion euros in the first quarter of this year, according to analyst estimates, representing a 9.2% improvement compared to the same period in 2023.



Iberia Air Europa

MADRID – Iberia hopes it can convince Brussels that buying Air Europa won't harm competition once the European Commission previews its document on objections to the merger next week. way concessions) they consider very ambitious.




MADRID – Next week could be crucial for the future of Naturgy's shareholders, as Emirati Taqa is in talks with its main shareholders (Criteria and CVC and GIP funds) to take over part of the largest Spanish gas company, a move the government will oversee. closely.

(text) (archive sources at www.lafototeca.com code 14117667, 21872161 and others)


Overseas employment

MADRID – The number of foreign workers in Spain reached an all-time high in March with 2,734,119 contributors from other countries, 13.1% of total employment, evenly distributed, from 20.5% in the Balearic Islands to only 4.0% in Extremadura. .

(text) (archive sources at www.lafototeca.com code 1566451, 21140452 and others)



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