Energy transition and technology: Ryan presented smart grids as a tool for power systems

Energy transition and technology: Ryan presented smart grids as a tool for power systems

Organized by the National Energy Secretariat, the Smart Grids Forum was held at the YPF headquarters in the autonomous city of Buenos Aires. The meeting brought together representatives of the private sector, researchers and national authorities to examine the challenges and possibilities of integration between electrical engineering and information technologies within the framework of the energy transition process.

“Transformation in the energy sector is already a reality. We face a world with more distributed generation, with more informed, demanding and demanding users. Faced with this reality, we must introduce technology and data management, from generation to consumption,” said Energy Secretary Flavia Roen while delivering the event’s opening remarks.

He then explained: “We want the energy transition to be complete. We’ve already done a lot of work on generation and transportation. But we’re also working on the distribution level. That’s why we convened this forum: to innovate in distribution systems. In that way, “connecting smart grids, energy “allows for a different way of managing,” he opined.

The secretary contextualized the efficiency principles within a set of general policies on energy: “We are working to diversify the energy matrix, which leads to the development of renewables. We have launched a tender for renewables and a tender for heat generation. What we have done with the renewables tender is to add a specific line for bio-energies, because with these energies we have a There may be a federal perspective where each province has the potential to develop energy resources based on its geography.

He expects the call for expressions of interest in savings to be linked to the figure of the base generator in the coming days. The importance of the storage sector is linked to mining, which is another productive activity associated with the efficient use of energy resources.

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At this point Ryan explained: “We need to build storage into our power system. We are creating a lithium triangle with Chile and Bolivia, and we have to do it with a strategic perspective, thinking that we have a mineral resource that is important in the energy transition. So, with storage, we are making better use of our infrastructure and are going to contribute to solving potential bottlenecks in traffic. Additionally, we need to create the demand and market for industrializing our lithium in the country.

The Forum was organized by four thematic panels: “Smart Grinds and Decarbonization (Cecilia Garibotti, Undersecretary of Energy Planning) “Challenges and Opportunities in Demand Management and the Role of Smart Metering” (moderated by Santiago Yanotti, Undersecretary of Electricity); “Electric Mobility and Distribution Systems” (Gustavo Rinaldi, Director of Environmental Impact, Ministry of Transport) and “Energy Experiences 4.0” (managed by Sebastián Bonetto, General Manager of CAMMESA).

At the end of the day, Secretary Ryan spoke again to highlight the purpose of the meeting: “”Our administration is committed to the energy transition. We prepare a plan that explains the role each element plays in energy policy: gas, marine and renewables. Within the same agenda today we are addressing and seeking to establish energy efficiency issues, for which we have also sent a bill.

Royan emphasized that the Secretariat’s agenda includes “work on large infrastructure projects, but we also work on and value innovation issues.” In this regard, he explained: “If we have new technologies today, we need to be more efficient in our systems. Our energy policy seeks to be inclusive, and to guarantee that inclusion, it is essential that we have an increasingly efficient system. It is in this framework that smart networks play a fundamental role in managing supply and demand.

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In conclusion, the Energy Commission called for coordinated work between the public and private sectors and different jurisdictions: “Through today’s two events, the labeling of homes and smart networks, we seek to put these issues on the agenda for industry. And at different levels of government. Working together with provincial and municipal authorities ,” said.

Exhibitors included: Cesar Dubois (Director of Power Systems Business for Schneider Electric, Argentina Uruguay and Paraguay Cluster); Federico Cipron (New Business Manager, YPF); Julio Martins (Head Digital Grid Latum – Schneider Electric South America); Emanuel Núñez (President of CAVEA); Santiago Ballester (Head of Electromobility and Microgrids businesses at Siemens); Franco Lomello (Solution Manager for Huawei, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay); Pablo Portuso (IMPSA Director); Osvaldo Navarro (Arauco Technology Manager) and Gustavo Casaforte (CEO, Widenergy).

Also present were Claudio Pulacio (Manager of ADEERA, Association of Electric Energy Distributors of the Argentine Republic); Daniel Moreno (Technical Prospective and Sustainable Development Manager, Edenor) and Claudio Burtolas (General Manager, EPEC). and researchers Lucia Spinelli (World Bank Senior Energy Specialist) and Liliana Molina (Deputy Manager Energy and Mobility Technology Development and Innovation, INTI).


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