Evelyn Vela refuses to divorce Valery Burka until she returns her jewelry: It's my money, I have the ticket (VIDEO) | web-eye-showbiz | eye view

Evelyn Vela refuses to divorce Valery Burka until she returns her jewelry: It's my money, I have the ticket (VIDEO) |  web-eye-showbiz |  eye view

Evelyn Vela's ex-partner, Valerie Burka, has admitted she can't divorce Melissa Gluck's friend in Peru because she refuses to sign divorce papers.

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She says she wants a divorce. I legally divorced her here in the US, but my divorce is only valid here in the US, not in Peru” said Cuban.

As such, Burga said he authorized his brother, who lives in Peru, to file a divorce in that country. “We did the procedures, I spent money here, I spent money in Peru, and last year they tried to give the woman the papers, and the woman didn't want to sign it, it was a very embarrassing situation.” he added.

For her part, Evelyn Vela says she won't give her ex-partner a divorce until he returns her jewelry. “I stayed with his brother Bruno who I am getting a divorce from and he sent me my wedding ring which I paid for, he has my gold bracelet and he has my gold chain which he wears.” said the influence.

It's my money, look at my bill, I paid with my money, I work for it. If he says he works, let him buy them” he added.

Additionally, Valerie Burka denies owning the 'Queen of the South' jewelry. “I am the most practical person in the world, I don't like traveling with luggage, she put some old skis in my suitcase, She asks me for a wedding ring, she has it, I didn't ask for it, it cost me 20 thousand dollars, I have witnesses, it's a diamond ring, a nice ring. She asks me for my engagement ring which I don't have and I took it off when I broke up with her.“, he said.

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Evelyn Vela refuses to sign the divorce

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