“Fermi Bubbles” Mystery: NASA's Unprecedented Astronomical Discovery

“Fermi Bubbles” Mystery: NASA's Unprecedented Astronomical Discovery

The universe, with its enormity and mystery, continues to be an intense field of research for the scientific community. This time, a discovery about galaxies could change previous ideas about how the universe works.

Galaxy. Photo: Unsplash.

Almost 13 years ago, the cosmic ray telescope “Fermi Range” He made a discovery that has kept the scientific community waiting ever since. The discovery, which challenges common conceptions of the universe, has been named “”.“Fermi Bubbles”.

According to National Astronomy and Space Administration (NASA), the universe is a vast expanse containing all known matter and energy. However, its exact size, a fixed distance or a certain limit, The numbers are uncertain for scientists.

Galaxy, universe.  Photo: UnsplashGalaxy, universe. Photo: Unsplash.

In this Big space universe, there are an infinite number of astronomical bodies, ranging from the most common to the unknown. Among them, The Milky Way occupies an important place.

As stated therein NASA space locationA Galaxy es”A vast cluster of gas, dust and billions of starsAlthough all galaxies share similarities in their formation, their size, shape and distance vary considerably.

Among various Types of Galaxies It is known that most of them have an active core. In some galaxies, this center produces the greatest gravitational pull, which can only be produced by a black hole.

black hole  Photo: Unsplashblack hole Photo: Unsplash.

Galaxies can be affected Changes in your behavior, and this feature facilitates their classification when they are detected. These variations can be caused by changes in gravity, which creates changes in the motion of the celestial bodies that create them.

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The 4 types of galaxies discovered in the Universe so far are:

  • Elliptical Galaxies: They are characterized by a spherical and elongated shape with no easily visible center.
  • Spiral Galaxies: They are in the form of a flat disc, in which a rotating movement around a clearly visible center can be seen.
  • Lenticular galaxies: They have a flat disk structure with rotating motion, but do not have outer arms because no new stars form in these regions.
  • Irregular Galaxies: They do not have a fully defined shape or structure, hence they have a distorted appearance. This is due to the gravitational effect exerted by other cosmic bodies.

Galaxy, universe.  Photo: UnsplashElliptical galaxy. Photo: Unsplash.

Aliens, Science, Space.  Photo: Unsplash.

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“Fermi bubbles”: NASA's new discovery

Discovered by Fermi telescope In 2010, an instrument designed specifically to study gamma rays in the universe was intriguing and gigantic. Structures Located in our galaxy, apparently arranged above and below its center, forming a kind of circles milky way.

These structures are called “Fermi Bubbles”Extending approximately 50,000 light years, they stand out for their extreme brightness Gamma raysCosmic rays are created when high-energy particles interact with gas and dust in space.

Galaxy.  Photo: Unsplash.Galaxy. Photo: Unsplash.

According to NASAThese bulges emit more energetic gamma rays than the rest of the galaxy and are linked to the emission. A large amount of energy It comes from the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. Scientists believe that The central black hole of the Milky Way may have had a similar past.

Although this discovery dates back several years, it remains a source of great mystery and wonder to both the scientific community and the general public. The visual representation of these systems gives us an insatiable desire to learn more about the secrets the universe still holds.


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