From science to drawing zombies, here’s what to do (and what to bring) with kids at the book fair this weekend.

From science to drawing zombies, here’s what to do (and what to bring) with kids at the book fair this weekend.
Read anywhere. Children at the book fair. (Franco Fafazuli)

“In childhood we see the world only once. The rest is memory. He said Lewis was luckyA successful writer Nobel Prize for Literature In the year 2020. There are few things more interesting than seeing that look. The wondering eyes of childhood show us details we overlook through the automatic pilot of adulthood. And this 47th Buenos Aires International Book Fair It is a great cultural encounter to pique our interest along with them.

A great event about rural property. Green carpeted floor and posters everywhere. Some lamps hang vertically from the stand. A girl about 5 years old says to her mother: “It’s raining little lights.”

A few more steps and a booth will appear. Football booksA place where one meets the inevitable Messi Gigantography This allows boys and girls to take a photo next to their world champion. Garnishing another position, a grand description Petit Famous Argentine cartoonist and writer Aizol – fascinated by the child’s vision.

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The book fair has many activities and attractions for children. Entrance fee is 800 pesos from Monday to Thursday and 1200 on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and Children under 12 can enter for free. In this new version, it is better to be prepared: a coat, a snack and water (inside, a small bottle costs about 800 pesos).

The yellow pavilion has a call “Kids Area”, a place consisting of three rooms. On the one hand, a large and quiet children’s library where little readers can choose a book and sit down to read. There is space Books for all ages And with armchairs and chairs that invite reading. There are small tables, sheets and Bookmarks to draw.

Enjoy. Stories at the Exhibition. (Nicholas Stuhlbarg)

On the other hand, in the “storytellers” room, families can Listen to stories and participate in a variety of activities lasting about half an hour.

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In the third place, called “Workshop”, different children’s publishers organize fun activities related to books. is there Music, Handicrafts And, above all, many funny stories.

But activities for children are not limited to this area and can be found throughout the property. Here are a few:

It is an initiative of educational platform TICMAS. In its place is a large green table, which resembles a yew tree A football field. There is a ball and two educational robots with several constructions called “Qoopers”. There is a tablet on each side of the table, and with the help of young people working in the space, one can move the Cuper around the field and play a little robotic football.

More than four months after Argentina’s victory in Qatar, World Cup fever has not stopped. Books with white and light blue cheerful covers or stacks with the image of the captain of this partyLionel Messi. On the Penguin Random House Mondatori stand, there’s a gigantic photo of the man who wanted all the kids to go up the ramp: Dibu MartinezHis biography for children is: I drew Martinez. Interest in football.

Another children’s book about the World Cup is beautiful Leo and Cup. The story of defeating Qian Yan, edited by Kavan. Additionally, for those older readers, you can download the book for free on Bajalibros children. A choice that pleased us. And there’s a lot more.

“Which is your favorite?” A mother asked her 4- or 5-year-old son as they left the fair. “Buy the book,” replied the boy. And if. The fair appears to be an opportunity to discover titles that are hard to find in larger bookstores.

straw illustrated books As are the many gems presented at the Yellow Pavilion by independent publishing labels Limonero (Stand 1714) and Periblo (Stand 1720). Plus, characters that never go out of style like the older ones Mafalda And fun adventures Asterix and Obelixamong others.

Big and boys. At the book fair. (Nicholas Stuhlbarg)

With colorful and child-friendly stands, dotted Take a photo for memoryWith activities, experiences and lots of books, the exhibition is an opportunity to create a great project with the wonder of childhood.

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A stand shared by the Ministry of Science, Culture, Education, Thelam Institute and the National Library at the Blue Pavilion has a variety of engaging activities for children. Wooden insert games, a micro level of recycled paper, a microscopic magnifying glass to use, support and observe on a large screen the diver’s compound he wears or his own skin.

At the same stand, every day from 5:00 pm, Telam News Agency offers a function called “Journalist for a Minute”. There a group invites to present a story. All of this in a compact package with chroma, desktop-like classic news effects, and pictures of the news being released behind journalists.

Saturday 6th May


A moment, story with thaumatropes. 2 to 9 years.

Room: Storytelling – Children’s Area

Pavilion: Yellow


An open fan that stimulates neurons! 2 to 12 years.

Room: Workshop – Children’s area

Pavilion: Yellow

walk For the book fair. (Nicholas Stuhlbarg)


Radiation in everyday life. Workshop. Is radiation and radiation everywhere? Come and find out! We are going to measure the radiation emitted by a dinosaur bone and a uranium rock, and we are also going to see if certain foods or objects in everyday life emit radiation. And after all the research, hopefully you’ve found answers and new questions to boot!

Participants: Lourdes Torres and Huilan Castinelli from the Balciero Institute

Room: Explore the zone

Pavilion: Yellow


Song round. It is proposed in the form of a workshop to create various musical experiences, games with and for music. 2 to 5 years.

Directed by: Jessica Mara

Room: Workshop – Children’s area

Pavilion: Yellow


A meeting of world nations. We are having a flag competition with prizes for all who participate. 5 to 9 years.

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Room: Workshop – Children’s area

Pavilion: Yellow


It’s time to move! A little here, a little there. Istvansh Gives us a new book that reveals the movements. 2 to 9 years.

Room: Storytelling – Children’s Area

Pavilion: Yellow

Sunday, May 7


An elephant and his friends come to La Feria. Created by Javier Rovella, cartoonist and editor dante the elephant It will teach you to draw these and other characters while interacting with the public. 2 to 12 years.

Participants: Pablo Henriques

Room: Workshop – Children’s area

Pavilion: Yellow


Behaviors of light.Workshop. Through games and simple experiments we are going to answer questions like: Why is the sky blue? How does glass reflect? Why does a spoon break in a glass of water? What is Optical Fiber? How are lights of different colors combined? Is it the same as temperas?

Participants: Diego Massitelli, Diego Sertoff and Rocio Andriani from the Balciero Institute

Room: Explore the zone

Pavilion: Yellow

Attention, children at play. At the Book Fair (Nicholas Stuhlbarg)


Learn to draw zombies. 5 to 12 years.

Room: Workshop – Children’s area

Pavilion: Yellow


Participatory science workshop means everyone does their experiments individually. The idea is that they will discover science through the fun and games we provide. Also, at the end of the workshop, they take some of their experiments as a gift. 2 to 12 years.

Driver: In science

Room: Workshop – Children’s area

Pavilion: Yellow


Word rain Stories, poems and songs To soak up the stories and refresh the imagination. By Verdevioleta Stories. 2 to 9 years.

Participants: Silvina Mennuti; Laura’s finger.

Room: Storytelling – Children’s Area

Pavilion: Yellow

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