Galetas Gullon joins Castilla y León's Circular Economy Agreement

Galetas Gullon joins Castilla y León's Circular Economy Agreement

Galletas Gullón has joined the Circular Economy Agreement of Castilla y Leon by signing a declaration promoted by the Junta de Castilla y Leon presented by Minister of Economy and Finance Carlos Fernández Garrido.

130 representatives of companies, social and economic agents participated in the event, many of whom have adhered to the agreement. All of them have been publicly recognized for their commitment to the sustainability of the planet, from their different activities. Likewise, a total of 81 organizations have already signed the agreement, of which 41 are companies, 7 are local organizations and 33 are social organizations, chambers of commerce, scrap, professional associations and universities.

The move is part of the country's lead The European Commission's Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI), In which Castilla y León was selected as one of 12 pilot regional companies to develop a circular economy acceleration model.

Acknowledgment of this environmental commitment by the Aquilerance cookie company was carried out during the presentation of the Environmental Agreement, the main purpose of which is Promotes the adoption of business models that reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability in the region.

During the awarding ceremony, Mr Founding Director of Galletas Gullon, Paco HeviaConclusions related to company implementation projects and measures implemented based on the circular economy: industrial symbiosis, material recovery, food waste, recycling, environmental design, weight reduction and integration of recycled materials. The Aguilarense cookie company has a circular economy working group.

Precisely, Galletas Gullón's corporate director has highlighted the cookie company's commitment to sustainability and emphasized its commitment to the environment. “At Galletas Gullón we take creating a positive impact very seriously, in fact, we have been pioneers in adopting sustainable and environmentally responsible business practices. We also strongly believe in the power of collaboration and integration between companies, organizations and society in general to address the environmental challenges we face. By joining the agreement, we reaffirm our commitment to work with other organizations and authorities to promote the transition towards a more circular and sustainable economic model.

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firm, The century-old cookie company has introduced a demanding roadmap that has allowed it to incorporate 30% rPET in 350g containers of salt it markets from January 2024. Advancing and promoting the objective of incorporating at least 25% rPET in PET packaging by 2025.

Paco Hevia: “At Galletas Gullón we take creating a positive impact very seriously, in fact, we have been pioneers in adopting sustainable and environmentally responsible business practices”

Furthermore, Galetas Gullon has created the Decarbonization and Circular Economy Working Groups to promote responsible environmental management and continue to contribute to the development of the 2030 Agenda's SDGs. Thanks for that, Its objective 3 by 2022 is to reduce emissions by 8.44%, which refers not only to the emissions released by the company, but to everything attributable to its economic activity.. This reduced carbon footprint, along with its annual evolution, puts the cookie company one step closer to its 2030 goal.

Among the measures included in the analysis of the Circular Economy Agreement of Castilla y León, Galetas Gullon joins: Promoting the transition towards a circular economy in its field of operations; Improve economic growth by reducing consumption, material and energy intensity; and encourage R&D&i to develop new materials, processes and products that are more resource efficient, with a special focus on the bioeconomy.

Besides, We wish to explore opportunities for collaboration and integration with other organizations within an industrial and regional symbiosis framework.; Incorporating eco-design, repair, reuse and remanufacturing into all products and services; Raise awareness of the circular economy and share and spread good practices in this area that inspire the entire community.

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