Gayara case: Verdict to be delivered after 35 years of massacre | Sayara Case | ayacucho | paulina gonzales | Peru

Gayara case: Verdict to be delivered after 35 years of massacre |  Sayara Case |  ayacucho |  paulina gonzales |  Peru

The National High Court of Special Justice announced a 15-year prison sentence for Maximo Asto Palomino and Marco Lontop Jesus and Luis Castaneda Marin, who were co-authors of the crime of murdering 28 people. Cayara (Ayacucho) in 1988.

Likewise, 16 members of the “Cross” military patrol were sentenced to eight years in prison for committing a crime against life, body and health in the manner of qualified murder.

The convicts will be lodged in the detention center organized by the INPE, and procedures for their location and capture will be initiated from then on and the National Police will be notified,” they pointed out from the apex court.

Likewise, they shall pay a civil indemnity of S/. 120,000 in solidarity in support of the heirs of each victim.

35 years ago, on May 13, 1988, a column of the terrorist organization Sendero Luminoso (PCB-SL) launched a violent attack on a military vehicle near the community of Erusco. Ayakucho. This fact prompted the operational plan of Ayacucho’s political-military command to “follow up”, marking the beginning of a series of tragic events that are still vivid in the memory of the victims.

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The aftermath of that horrific episode, decades later, continues to haunt survivors and families of victims who seek justice for their loved ones. Complaints include disappearance of bodies, killing of witnesses and dismissal of the prosecuting attorney.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission, during its investigations, confirmed that On May 14, 1988, and in the days that followed, serious human rights violations were committed in the communities of Cayara, Erusco, and Mayobamba.

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However, just Today, Friday, August 11, the sentence will be read at 4:00 pm in the National Crime Chamber. Against those responsible for the murders of around 35 people including men, women, children and adults. Among the key witnesses who played a fundamental role in the quest for justice was Paulina González, whose testimony was essential in clarifying the facts.

In an emotional voice, Gonzalez described the victims gathered in a church during the attack. The words of this survivor reveal the devastation left behind that day: her husband lost his life, while her children, amid the chaos, fled the city in search of safety, leaving her alone and torn.

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