Global Warming | An | UN’s doomsday forecast for next 5 years: Warmest period on record | the world

Global Warming |  An |  UN’s doomsday forecast for next 5 years: Warmest period on record |  the world

Mixture between impact and abnormality of greenhouse gases El Nino phenomenon Making the 2023-2027 period more feasible The hottest ever recorded On our planet.

Meera: Global warming to exceed critical threshold of 1.5 ºC by 2027: “first time in history”

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) warned of this in its latest report, issued on May 17.

“There is a 98% chance that at least one year in the next five years, and the five-year period as a whole, will be the warmest on record,” says the UN Climate Agency.

According to estimates after analyzing data from six major meteorological stations on the planet, there is a 66% probability of recording a variation in the average annual temperature of the Earth’s surface of +1.5 degrees Celsius.

What does this mean? The average temperature of the planet will reach the limit set by the climate agreement signed in Paris in 2015 to prevent the catastrophic effects of global warming.

The United Nations agency has warned that the planet could at some point be 1.8 degrees warmer than the average for the 1850-1900 period.

However, in all the bad, there is a little good news: in this case, according to the WMO, the impact will be only temporary.

The data “does not mean we will permanently exceed the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C limit of long-term warming over many years,” the agency’s secretary-general, Petteri Talas, explained in a statement.

On the other hand, that doesn’t mean we’re faced with a new climate alarm from many who sound louder and more often – while waiting for concrete action to reverse a bleak future.

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Among the worst effects, the WMO predicts heavy rain in the African part of the Sahel, as well as northern Europe, Alaska and Siberia.

However, at the same time, thermal anomalies in the extreme north of the Earth are feared to lead to temperature increases three times higher than in the rest of the world.

For this part of the world, WMO fears that severe drought will directly affect parts of the Amazon, Central America, Indonesia and Australia.

In the following interaction produced by Trade Learn more about the WMO report, its relationship with previous records and the expected effects on different regions of the world in the coming years.


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