Habitable Zones: NASA has determined that more than 150 planets could host alien life.

Habitable Zones: NASA has determined that more than 150 planets could host alien life.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration uses certain criteria to define when a planet outside the solar system is habitable.

Extraterrestrials. Photo: Unsplash

The NASA He provided a telescope specially designed to look for signs of life beyond our own solar system “Livable World Laboratory” (HWO). This cutting-edge technology will play an important role in the exploration of exoplanets “Jonah Lives” of the universe.

The main objective of this project Find exoplanets located in the habitable zone of their starsConditions there are favorable for the presence of liquid water on the surface.

Earth.  Photo: NASA.Earth. Photo: NASA

By this they were able to identify 164 exoplanets have characteristics.

Planet GJ 1002 b This is an amazing discovery. It is a potentially livable place 16 light years away. An exoplanet with an 86% similarity index to Earth is located in the habitable zone of its parent star.

It is as big as Earth orbits a red dwarf star within its habitable zone. Also, orbital distance may allow Formation of liquid water If the planet's surface has the right type of atmosphere.

Galaxy.  Photo: Unsplash.

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What is the habitable zone?

The “habitable zone” is considered to be the region of the solar system A certain planet orbiting a star can have liquid water on its surface. These areas have climates suitable for life, neither too hot nor too cold.

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Warns that Earth's abundant liquid water is essential for life Every star in the universe has a habitable zone, but it varies with distance depending on the size and brightness of the star emerging from that star system. Additionally, it is important to consider the type of planet orbiting that habitable zone to determine the potential for life there.

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Perseverance Rover.  Photo: NASA.

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What makes a planet habitable?

For a planet outside the Solar System to be considered habitable, NASA uses several criteria in its analysis, including:

  • The need for Liquid water, solar energy and nutrients.
  • The planet should be situated Habitable region of orbit with its starWith the optimum temperature for life.
  • A habitable exoplanet is needed Atmosphere To filter out the high levels of X and UV rays emitted by the star it orbits.

Los Rocky planetsI want this Keep air as a vital conditionAs long as the above conditions are also met, the candidates are in the best position to lead the life.


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