Heat stroke in Peru: First death reported so far in 2024

Heat stroke in Peru: First death reported so far in 2024
Citizens of various parts of Peru may have to endure temperatures above 30°C in the last days of 2023. (Infobae mix)

In Aika, The First death from heat stroke Due to a severe heat wave hitting the region, temperatures are expected to continue to rise, setting a sad precedent. About Jim Choi KispeThe 46-year-old died after being admitted in a critical condition Aiga Regional Hospital.

As stated therein La Lupa Portal, Hospital staff found Choi Quispe Multiple organ dysfunction directly related to extreme heat, Worsened by chronic liver disease caused by alcoholism.

Experts point out that the event will raise awareness about the risks involved Temperatures exceeding 35°C in IcaProduces hot sensations exceeding 40 degrees Celsius for several consecutive days.

Peru's National Meteorological and Hydrological Service (Senamhi) reported exceptionally high temperatures in the region, prompting health authorities to implement preventive measures. Among them, they highlight the importance of staying hydrated, avoiding sunlight during hot periods and paying special attention to those at high risk, such as the elderly, children and those with chronic illnesses.

Senamhi pointed out that the feeling of heat in northern Peru is expected to reach temperatures of up to 42 degrees | Photo Credit: Infobae Peru

year 2023 was integrated as the warmest globally As records are available, step Health with a magnifying glass. Although it was felt across the planet, Peru had a significant impact Longer heat waves are exacerbated by the El Nino phenomenon.

For example, The provinces of Lima faced a heat wave that lasted 173 days. According to Chenamhi data, the amount is significantly higher than the historical average for the coastal area.

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The Intensity of heat waves in Peru As evidenced by extreme periods in areas such as Piura and Arequipa, Not only does it represent a direct threat to human health, it also exposes people to serious risks, But in the first weeks of 2024, the incidence of diseases like dengue increased.

This week, higher temperatures are expected in Lima and other areas. – Credit: Andina

Prolonged exposure to heat can cause symptoms such as headache, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, cramps and fainting, which are the main risk factors.

If you present any of the above diseases, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately to avoid it Fatal effects such as irreparable damage or death to vital organs such as the brain, heart, kidneys and muscles.

For preventive purposes, experts recommend Do not expose yourself to direct sunlight between 10 am and 4 pm. If unavoidable, hydrate regularly, apply sunscreen every two hours and seek shady spots or carry an umbrella.

Health authorities recommend using sunscreen to avoid the harmful effects of UV rays – Credit: Andina

César Cabezas Sánchez, an infectious disease doctor at the National Institute of Health (INS), reminded people that one of the preventive measures to avoid heat shock is to drink water to keep the body hydrated, without thirst.

warned the doctor Providing drinking water is especially important for young children and the elderly.And protecting yourself from the sun with a wide-brimmed hat or an umbrella is recommended.

According to Chenamhi, Temperatures in metropolitan Lima are forecast to hover near 32° in the first half of FebruaryUsually the warmest month in the region.

Senahmi predicts that temperatures will rise in Lima Andean

Due to the high UV radiation recorded, Peru is considered to be the country with the highest solar radiation in the world, followed by Bolivia, Chile and Argentina.

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“During the summer, some parts of the country register values ​​between 18 and 21, and in the Peruvian-Bolivian highlands you can easily reach 22. In other countries, it is very rare. For example, in Europe, an index higher than 11 can be catastrophic, but it happens in the tropics,” he said. Senamhi expert Orlando Cocora explained. Andean.

In that sense, he explained that UV radiation is a form of invisible energy from the sun and has been a widely studied topic in recent years due to its harmful effects on people and the ecosystem.

Heat stroke can cause high fever, agitation and even seizures. (Photo: Composite – Infobay/Renato Silva/Andina/Norman Cordova)

On the other hand, Social Health Protection (EsSalud) warns that long-term exposure Sol And his Ultraviolet radiation can cause Skin burns of Primer Y Second classCommonly confused with a simple case of heat stroke.

This situation represents a serious danger Skin healthAlert professionals in the field like EsSalud dermatologists, Antoine SobrinoHe reminds people that skin sensitivity to the sun varies between people, influenced by each person's exposure time and skin pathology.

“Some people may only be in the sun for 10 minutes and develop blisters, while others may stay in the sun for hours and not be damaged,” the expert told Antina.

Faced with this, and to avoid further skin damage, Sobrino recommends constant use of sunscreen, as well as wide-brimmed hats and umbrellas if you're going to the beach or pool.


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