Highlighted the plan to set up a Celac Centre

Highlighted the plan to set up a Celac Centre

The Minister participated in the first meeting of the SELAC Technical Commission to study the creation of a Latin American and Caribbean Center for Science and Technology Development.

Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Yesenia Olaya, the proposal to create the SELAC Center for Science and Technology Development allows to strengthen international cooperation with the countries of the region.

“For the first time, there is a Ministry of Science in Celac, convened by Latin American and Caribbean countries, where we seek to promote and strengthen the creation of scientific knowledge in the countries of the region,” Olaya said.

The Minister participated in the first meeting of the SELAC Technical Commission to study the creation of a Latin American and Caribbean Center for Science and Technology Development.

During Tuesday’s meeting in Caracas, a macro document was discussed to create the first scientific think-tank for Latin America and the Caribbean, which will promote cooperation between regional countries, scientific generation and technological know-how, as well as technology transfer and high-level training.

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“On this first day, we discussed the progress of the common science, technology and innovation policy in each member state,” said the head of the Science, Technology and Innovation portfolio.

At the meeting, actions were expressed to strengthen the financing of scientific projects in regions that respond to these major changes required in Latin America in terms of energy transition, food sovereignty, economy and the fight against climate change.

“In dialogue with the knowledge systems of indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants and farmers, as a Latin American region, we consider this to be the fundamental way to respond to priority issues such as energy transition, climate change and recovery. Food sovereignty” Olaya concluded.

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