Hogares de la Patria April 2024: updated schedule with new amounts and how to collect new bonuses today

Hogares de la Patria April 2024: updated schedule with new amounts and how to collect new bonuses today

He Homeland bonus It was deposited from 1st April. Check the note which new amount you need to get.

Review more information regarding the Hogares de la Patria bonus for April 2024 in Venezuela. | Photo: Libero Mix

Financial assistance for the month of April 2024 is already being deposited and Homeland Bonus is one of them. Want to know who's eligible for this new benefit? In the following note, Libero shares more details on this New amounts from updated tableDepending on the number of members.

Hogares de la Patria, April 2024: Table updated with new amounts

At the time, Nicolás Maduro's government announced that the official amount of the Hogares de la Patria bonus for March remained unchanged compared to February 2024. This trend will continue in April. Amounts remain unchangedDistributed as follows:

  • For families with 1 member: 87 bolivars or 2.40 dollars.
  • For families with 2 members: 108 bolivars or 2.98 dollars.
  • For families with 3 members: 162 bolivars or 4.48 dollars.
  • For families with 4 members: 216 bolivars or 5.97 dollars.
  • For families with 5 members: 270 bolivars or 7.47 dollars.
  • For families with 6 or more members: 324 bolivars or 8.96 dollars.

The distribution of the Hogares de la Patria bonus for April 2024 has begun. Image: Canal Patria Digital.

When was Hogares de la Patria paid for April 2024?

On Monday, April 1, 2024, Canal Patria announced that the distribution of Hocares de la Patria bonuses began, with amounts ranging from 87 to 324 bolivars, depending on the number of members in the family.

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How do I register at Hogares de la Patria?

To qualify and receive the Hogares de la Patria bonus in April 2024, you only need to follow the following steps described below:

  • Access the Patria system and enter the 'Directory' section.
  • Go to the 'Family Nucleus' section and register the ID numbers and dates of birth of your children or other family members. In the case of children under nine who do not have an ID, use yours.
  • Check if registration completed successfully.
  • In the veQR app, access the 'Hogares de la Patria' section and specify who makes up your family unit.
  • Indicate who will be the head of the household, i.e. who will receive the bonus, and accept the oath you find in Patria.

After receiving the confirmation message about April 2024 Hocares de la Patria bonus coming to your account in your Patria system, follow this A Guide to Accessing Deposited Money:

  • Log in to the Patria platform.
  • Go to 'Wallet' section and select 'Withdrawal'.
  • Choose source wallet, amount to withdraw and destination of funds.
  • Click 'Continue' and then 'OK'.
  • The system will show you that the operation was successful.

What is Homework?

According to Ministry of People Power for Environmental Society, The Great Homeland Mission is positioned as the central focus of all social work. Since its launch in 2014, it has strengthened public policies aimed at protecting the family unit, protecting people from the disparities inherent in the capitalist system.

The project began with a thorough census, with house-to-house visits in various communities, in collaboration with the Garnet de la Patria organization. This alliance has improved the effective delivery of all social policies, enabling direct understanding of the situation of the most needy families across the country.

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