“I would like to travel to the moon or Mars”

At 26, Noel de Castro continues to dream. The young woman from Salta, who will graduate in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Favaloro in 2023, cannot wait to see the stars.

He lives in the US and is taking courses in bioastronautics with the aim of applying his knowledge to space missions. In Florida, he has a master’s degree in space science in front of him at an institution associated with NASA, but also with private companies such as SpaceX, founded by Elon Musk or Virgin Galactic.

“I’ve already had several training sessions for space missions, and what makes me think more about being close I feel capable of doing those tasks,” said the young del Castro during his visit to the El Tribuno editorial office.

“At first we had zero gravity training and at first you don’t know what’s going to happen, but when I won them I realized it was possible and I was closer to achieving my goal,” he added.

Noel said he was very supportive of his family. His father is an engineer, his mother and sister are psychologists. But the most important thing for her is her persistence.

“Since my childhood, I have a passion for astronomy, physics and science. Until today I was asking my father to buy a telescope, I was interested in space. dream, and he focuses on reality, when I graduated, he devoted himself to something else, that big dream came back, I saw it, and now I am living it,” she enthused.

Look at the sky

Many people ask me what I feel when talking about space, this happens to everyone in their profession or profession, my mother sees a person and needs to understand that person. We need to understand what is happening in space. ,” she replied about the passion that drove her.

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Asked whether to reach the Moon or Mars, Noel didn’t hesitate: “I’d like to be on a mission to the Moon or Mars,” but he made it clear that his first goal was to reach the space station. “Various tasks are carried out there, be it biomedical engineering or electronics, astronaut monitoring.”

Salta engineer explains why he hasn’t returned to the moon since 1972, giving his perspective on the last probe. “There are many things behind the space business, economic problems, but above all political problems. NASA is a government agency, it will take care of the astronaut’s health unlike private companies. At that time, the moon had no knowledge of what would happen on the mission, as it is today, and the astronaut A lot of attention is paid,” he said.

What to study to go to space

Based on his experience, Noel said, “There is no specific profession to be in NASA or the space agency. There are nutritionists, doctors, psychologists, engineers, it’s diverse. And to be an astronaut, people are very sought after. Engineering, pilots or biology, like for Mars. All professions are useful, like travel, even vets.

Finally, he sent a message to the youth of Salta: “Go for your dreams, you will be forgotten in everyday life, but at the end of the day you have to sit down, think about where you want to go, and persevere.”

Noel will remain in his homeland until May 23, when he will fly to Arizona to begin an aerospace medicine course.

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Ten years as an astronaut

“Every day I imagine getting into a ship in a suit. I already tried on that suit, it was beautiful, and I hope I can be on a mission in the next ten years, ten years to reach space,” he said. The young woman finds herself engrossed in a career that is extensive.

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