Internationalist Francisco Belante analyzes Hamas terror attack: “They want to prevent Saudi Arabia from recognizing Israel”

Internationalist Francisco Belante analyzes Hamas terror attack: “They want to prevent Saudi Arabia from recognizing Israel”
International expert Francisco Belante on the Hamas attack in Israel.

More than 150 people have been killed and 2,500 injured in Israel in a brutal attack by the Hamas terror group. In addition, local media infiltrated Palestinian militias holding hostages who would be subjected to severe torture. The situation has drawn unanimous condemnation from the international community and the solidarity of President Benjamin Netanyahu, who has declared his country at war.

In this situation, Infobae Peru Contacted the international Francisco Belante, who pointed out that Hamas is well aware that Israel’s military might cannot be defeated. He slipped the thesis that it would be external pressure on Iran Saudi Arabia does not recognize Israel as a state.

– The group Hamas carried out a terrorist attack in Israel. How do you feel that they have executed a plan with a major escalation of violence?

-First, it seems that the Israeli intelligence services did not foresee. They have been criticized for not foreseeing an attack that was actually conducted with few expectations. Why Hamas is carrying out the attack is another issue. in between Hamas e Israel A relationship, in general, is definitely war. However, when there is no fighting, Israel allows a portion of Gaza’s population to work within its borders, allowing basic supplies to enter and not attacking Hamas.

– There was a certain silence.

– A certain peace settled between them. It is true that there were demonstrations along the Gaza border with Israel, which Hamas had nothing to do with. But eventually it calmed down. Therefore, the suddenness of this attack is surprising.

Israel Defense Forces attack Hamas targets

What do you think are the explanations for this Hamas attack?

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– First, this may be related to the fact that the relationship on Jordan’s western border has deteriorated slightly. There was a lot of violence and that atmosphere. It may be due to subsequent negotiations Saudi Arabia Identify Israel, they want to avoid it. It seems to me that this is also due to a ploy that is perhaps encouraged Iran So, in some sense, that recognition can be rejected. Not sure what led to it Hamas To break that silence. There are many possibilities, but an unusual attack with violence I haven’t seen recently.

– There is a detailed plan. Palestinian militants infiltrated.

– There was a well-orchestrated plan, which was not detected. Israel has always been involved in finding these kinds of well-structured operations. Unfortunately, what comes next is a more violent expansion. We will have to see what happens in Jordan if a war that reaches them breaks out again.

Burned vehicles in the Israeli city of Ashkelon after a rocket was fired from Gaza in this Oct. 7, 2023, photo. EFE/EPA/Atef Safadi

Does this Hamas attack increase tensions between Israel and Palestine?

– There are actually two movements. One Hamas It does not recognize Israel and is considered a terrorist movement by the West. And there is Fatah It is a movement that recognizes Israel and, moreover, cooperates with the State of Israel in the defense of Jordan. So, they are two different movements. Today the Palestinian Authority released a statement basically accusing Israel of not resolving the issue and not recognizing the Palestinian state. This is a bit of background on the matter. As long as there is no Palestinian state, as long as Israeli activity continues, occupying various territories and so on, this situation will unfortunately continue.

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-‘s answer Benjamin Netanyahu ‘We Are At War’. How do you notice it?

Hamas He knew exactly what the answer would be. Israel. What is happening is that there is a political calculation rather than a military one: Hamas It is well known that he cannot be defeated militarily Israel. The problem, as I say, is prevention Saudi Arabia Identify Israel. That seems to be the obvious objective.

And the other thing to put Israel In an impossible situation, because obviously there will be very strong reprisals and they want the international community to condemn their actions. On the other hand, eventually Hamas It would incite people in the West and try to push the Israelis into an unmanageable situation. Ultimately, it seeks to force a Palestinian state to the negotiating table. But it would be strange because Hamas Does not recognize Israel. It is true that they have some agreement, but from there to what extent they can negotiate.

– Brazil convenes the UN Security Council tomorrow. What can come from that meeting?

– I imagine there will be a call for a ceasefire. The issue is whether or not they say the solution lies in the application of international law. That means peaceful coexistence of two states is the solution. I don’t think Israel would like that.


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