INTI organized the XIV Regional Congress on Nondestructive and Structural Testing

INTI organized the XIV Regional Congress on Nondestructive and Structural Testing

Organized by the National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI) and the Argentine Association of Non-Destructive and Structural Testing (AAENDE), the XIV Regional Congress of Non-Destructive and Structural Testing led to the sharing of key developments and the exchange of knowledge and ideas. In the field of ENDE. It also created a favorable environment for the coordination and completion of joint projects between public and private enterprises and for the harmonization of regulations within the Mercosur region.

Non-Destructive and Structural Testing (NDT) are methods of evaluating materials, equipment and/or components that allow detection of failures, discontinuities or anomalies without permanently altering their functional, physical, chemical, mechanical or dimensional properties; Similar to tests carried out in medicine – X-ray, ultrasound – but used in the industrial sector. Their mission is to guarantee the safety of people by preventing accidents and to provide reliability regarding products, projects and industrial facilities; Using practices related to values ​​of sustainability and environmental awareness.

The opening of the Congress was presided over by George Schneebeli, Vice President of INTI; President of AAENDE, Alejandro García; and Managing Manager of the Brazilian Association of Non-Destructive Testing (ABENDI), Antonio Luis Alicino. Opening the meeting, Georg Schneebeli highlighted the presence of companies, institutions and associations from the region and the importance as a country of strengthening these links in the field of ENDE. “INDI, since its creation, has a non-destructive testing sector, so it is important for our company to participate in this system and exchange experiences and ideas with different actors, on the main challenges faced in this sector, new technologies, the progress of Industry 4.0 and new testing methods used in the industrial sector. This is the main non-destructive testing that takes place in Argentina. The test congress allows professionals with extensive experience today to interact with young people approaching the activity for the first time and to find a valuable source of inspiration for their future.

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Over three days, current working test research was shared, workshops were given on the different types of tests and methods used by companies and organizations that carry out NDT, and the new ISO 9712 standard was analyzed, which specifies the requirements. Qualification and certification of personnel performing non-destructive testing using various methods; And key challenges facing the sector, incorporating Industry 4.0 into experiments were discussed.

Some of the tests carried out during the construction of the Nestor Kirchner gas pipeline, such as the use of automated ultrasound (phase sequence and ToFD) to inspect pipes, highlight the strategic value of the work for Argentina. It makes it possible to substitute imports, save more foreign currency, promote national gas production and increase employment.

Similarly, in other studies, INTI’s design using an ultrasound method to verify the closure weld of the reflector tank of the Argentine Multipurpose Reactor (RA-10) was fully developed in-country by the National Atomic Energy Commission. (CNEA) and State Applied Research Association (INVAP); A state-of-the-art technology with a strategic impact on the health, scientific and industrial sectors, which will make it possible to consolidate the supply of radioactive isotopes for medical, industrial and agricultural use in the local and international market, strengthening the national production of nuclear fuels. and strengthening research and development capabilities in the country and providing advanced neutron techniques to other fields such as biology, biotechnology, drug design and materials science and technology.

To conclude the meeting, Pablo González Dabos, Head of the Non-Destructive Testing Department at INTI, presented the NDT Laboratory of Argentina, an area developed in collaboration with reference systems in the NDT field in the country. The state of the sector and the demands of the industry with a view to jointly face future challenges.

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The National Agency for the Promotion of Research, Technological Development, and Innovation (R+D+i Agency) funded Congress; National Atomic Energy Authority (CNEA); State Applied Research Association (INVAP); Argentine Mining Geological Service (SEGEMAR); National University of Technology (UTN); National Commission for Space Activities (CONAE), Brazilian Association of Non-Destructive Testing (ABENDI), Argentine Institute of Standardization and Certification (IRAM); Balseiro Foundation; Argentine Center for Nondestructive Testing of Materials (CAEND), TENARIS, Nucleo Electrica Argentina SA; Such as Screening Eagle Technologies and SCI Control & Inspection.


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