Israel vs Hamas | Nova Festival: Electronic music festival in desert hit by gunfire, 260 youths dead and many kidnapped | Gaza | Kibbutz | Benjamin Netanyahu | the world

Saturday, at the start of his attack IsraelFighters from the Palestine Liberation Organization Hamas Nearby kibbutzim exploded in Re-Im Gaza, a crowd of people, most of them young, enjoyed an electronic music festival. On Sunday, at least 260 people died.

Pictures of youngsters enjoying it are spreading on social media Noah festivalWhen you look in the distance Hamas fighters paragliding in the territory Israel. This was the beginning of their bloody action.

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Then a huge rocket burst. Accordingly to Rockets They were followed by firing on the people at the festival Hundreds of people who were there ran and tried to escape from there.

Chain interviewed one of the participants identified as Tal Ghibli. She said it As they ran into the desert, Hamas fighters fired at them.

CNN also reported The gunmen killed several youths on the spotAnother large group of people may have been abducted and transported Gaza.

A spokesman for ZAKA, the volunteer group responsible for recovering human remains after attacks and other disasters, confirmed to Israeli media this Sunday. More than 260 bodies have been recovered from the place so far..

Bar: Israel confirms 260 dead at electronic party site attacked by Hamas

The festival was held in a rural agricultural area along the border between Gaza e Israel. This dance lasted all night The Jewish holiday of Sukkot.

But when dawn broke, the feast continued, and those who had come began to listen Angels Y Rockets fired upon IsraelCNN pointed out.

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“We had nowhere to hide because we were in an open field.”he told CNN Tal Ghibli. “Everybody panicked and started taking their things.”

In the video taken Ghibli As he ran away, he heard an explosion.

Less than 3 kilometers away from them, militants Hamas They also attacked Israeli tanks and soldiers.

As participants reached their cars, Ghibli told CNN Roads were blocked and no one could move. That’s when the shots got louder.

In the videos taken by Ghibli, an Israeli military vehicle can be seen driving against the traffic. Someone was heard shouting outside the car: “Go away! Go ahead! Go ahead!”

Ghibli said she and her friends panicked and abandoned the car and started running.

Most popular videos on social media Hundreds of participants flee their vehicles and run across the desert while gunfire rings out near them.

Ghibli told CNN that he ran into the woods and eventually jumped into another passing car. He saw many dead and injured people on the sides of the road, but one sight in particular caught his attention: a concert was shot outside a truck and another died in the passenger seat of the vehicle.

“It was so scary, we didn’t know where to drive so we wouldn’t run into those evil people…” he said. “I have friends who have been lost in the woods for hours and been shot at like a shooting range.”

Regarding the abductees, CNN cited a video showing how Palestinians took an Israeli woman and her boyfriend, Noah Arkamani and Avinaton Orr. Both attended the festival.

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Family and friends of the couple have said they want the video to be shared widely in hopes of finding and freeing them.

Another video, authorized by CNN, shows an unconscious woman at the festival being marched away by armed militias in Gaza.

The woman’s name is Shani Luke, a German-Israeli dual citizen, CNN confirmed.

Her cousin said Luke attends a music festival.

In the video, Luke is seen motionless. A gun-toting bombardier has his leg over her hip; The other holds a lock of his dreadlocks. “Allahu Akbar,” they cheer, meaning “God is great” in Arabic.

A few members gathered around the truck joined in the cheers. A man spits on Luke’s head as the car pulls away.

“We recognized her because of the tattoos, and she has long dreadlocks,” Luke’s cousin told The Washington Post. “We have some hope… Hamas is responsible for her and others.”

Noah Reuven, 20, was interviewed by The Times of Israel and described the panic as thousands of partygoers ran to their vehicles amid rockets fired overhead.

He added that after trying to leave the field for two hours, he drove his jeep off the road onto a small side road. There he picked up a stranded couple before reaching Moshav Ezus, south of Nitzana.

In an interview with Channel 12, the man, Esther, said that as he tried to leave the party, about five gunmen fired at his car, destroying it.

A jeep driver rescued her and her friend, but as they were leaving the spot, the driver was shot and the jeep fell into a hole. With the unconscious driver, she and her friend played dead for two hours until they heard them speaking in Hebrew, soldiers who took them to Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon.

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