It's Guevara: Who won all seasons | EEG | programs

It's Guevara: Who won all seasons |  EEG |  programs

A new season of Esto es Guerra is coming up, the show's 12 years on screen has had many winners who have become fan favorites of the hit America television reality competition. Well, for all the followers of this space, in this post we are going to tell you who won each season.

EThis is Battle Season 1: First season This is war This happened in 2012. That season, both men and women competed, with the winners being Nicola Porcella and Angie Arisaka.

Season 2 This is war It started with EEG Verano and had Los Cobras as winners, while in 2013 Los Leones won the third and fourth seasons under the leadership of Yaco Eskenazi.

2014 started with the fifth season, which was once again Nicola Porcella's Los Cobras as winners. Los Leones were the winners the following season.

The seventh season was divided into Apertura and Clausura. Yaco Lyons, Melissa Llosa, Patricio Barodi, Sheila Rojas, Joshua Ivanoff and Natalie Verdis won at the end of the year.

In 2015, three seasons were held, of which Los Cobras won twice and Los Leones once.

This is Guerra: Yaco Eskenazi won several seasons with Los Leones.

Arrival of the Challengers (War)

2016 will bring us the first edition of the clash between members This is war and Combate (called Retadores on this first occasion) which also marked the debut of Mario Iriverran, Alejandra Picoria and Mario Hart in EEG.

On this first occasion Los Guerreros, led by Nicola Porcella and Patricio Barodi, won. The following season, the rivalry between Lyons and Cobras returned. The season was followed by La Revanza, which brought Los Guerreros back as winners.

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2017 kicks off with the EEG Preseason hosted by Eric Ellera and Anna Karina Copello. This time the victory went to Melissa Loza and Lucas Pirro from Los Leones. Los Cobras and Leones would be the winners in the following seasons respectively.

This is war The Great Game kicks off in 2018 and saw Cristian Dominguez's Los Retadores win in the semi-finals. By the end of the year, Los Retadores were back to winning ways.

Marion Hart and Michael Soffer went from Combat to This Is War. (Photo: Facebook/It's War)

It's War, the great classic: Warriors Vs. fighters

The members of the said venue will join the ranks of EEG in 2019 due to the cancellation of Combat on ATV screens, announcer Mr. Pete will also return to the show. Gian Piero Díaz makes his debut in the American reality show, and personalities such as Ducelia Echevarria, Austin and Said Palau, as well as Emilio Jaime and Pancho Rodriguez will join the program.

As in previous years, Los Guerreros will prevail over Team Combat, and it will be a father figure that lasts for years. 2020 would start with another win for Los Guerreros, EEG, The Origin and EEG: It would continue with wins for the 10 Years Warriors.

Finally the 2023, Fighters with Pancho RodriguezMelissa Loza, Said Palao, Alejandra Baigorria, Michelle Soiffer, Facundo Gonzales, Israel Dreyfus, “Chevy” Escamilo and Raúl Carpena will win Esto es Guerra: El Clásico.

The fighters won by a wide margin in the finals of Esto S. Guevara. (Photo: Instagram)

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