James Webb Telescope Spots Big Cosmic Explosion in Space – Science – Life

James Webb Telescope Spots Big Cosmic Explosion in Space – Science – Life

The James Webb Space Telescope has observed many events in space. A few months ago, this telescope and other observatories caught a big bangThis resulted in many chemical elements, which according to scientists are essential for life.

The burst occurred in March and was the second brightest burst of gamma rays observed in more than 50 years.

The explosion has been described as one of the brightest in history. The Milky Way, although they are very short, is a very powerful form of light.

Scientists named the burst GRB 230307, ​​which occurred during two neutron stars. They merged into a galaxy about 1 billion light-years away.

Likewise, a study published in the journal ‘Nature’ found that in addition to emitting gamma rays, the fusion also produced a kilonova, an explosion that occurs when it explodes. Two neutron stars merge into each other or into a black hole.

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“This is the first time we’ve been able to observe the aftermath of a kilonova with the James Webb Space Telescope,” according to the study’s lead author Andrew Lewan, a professor of astrophysics at Radbot University in the Netherlands.

The telescope detected and recorded this cosmic explosion Chemical signature of tellurium in eruptions.

According to the Royal Society of Chemistry, this metalloid is rare, but it is used to dye glass and ceramics. It is used to make products like CDs and DVDs.

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The scientists behind this explosion promise that other types of elements, such as iodine, which are used in many functions on Earth, may also be found in the material released by the kilonova.

Studies courtesy of James Webb

Because these events are rare, scientists have difficulty observing them.

However, the research team used the Webb Telescope for most of the observations Exploring electron stars until they explode.

Despite these discoveries, astronomers have been trying for years to figure out how these phenomena are formed and how these chemical elements are formed in the universe. Similarly, other telescopes like the Nancy Grace net will be launched in 2027. , expected.

It is important to understand that these types of processes distribute the elements of the periodic table throughout the universe, as Dmitri Mendeleev discovered at the time, and that is why scientists study these different stellar manifestations. Answer some questions about the formation of these chemical elements.

For this reason, researchers attach great importance to the telescope, as it provided enough information for the continuation of their studies.

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Luz Angela Domanguez Coral Reef
Digital Scope Editorial

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