Julio Cago promises that audios heard of potential influencers will be edited

Julio Cago promises that audios heard of potential influencers will be edited

Julio Cago, a councilor in the city council of Lima, denied the crime on Wednesday. Influence peddling. As he pointed out, the audios disseminated through the portal the way They were edited.

“I’m not giving any leverage in return for anything. the way It is a media with a well-known political bias: communist, anti-democratic and almost philosophical-terrorist, which attacks the right. Who condemned me? If you’ve listened to the audio, you don’t have to be an expert in graphotechnics to have the voice completely distorted from the person recording me. It has been corrected. I have not received any kind of donation,” he said on the show No twists RPP.

Julio Cago He pointed out that he was not a mediator between the merchants and the mayor Rafael Lopez Aliaga To coordinate a meeting. He also said that he sent a notarized letter to the director of Vaiga and the journalist who published the report seeking correction.

“After it has already been distributed (the food) I call upon the Lord. The conditions have already been given, He told me: ‘I will give this to the people in return’, logically, I will never commit serious mistakes. (I coordinated a meeting with the mayor) I will send them to the manager, the people I call him to thank him on his behalf and he says: ‘I saw your photos on Facebook’ and he comes to deliver to me. He can do weekly delivery or monthly delivery,” the councilor said.

On the other hand, he regretted that Rafael Lopez Aliaga did not get him to ask for his protection. In this sense, he considered the mayor of Lima to be his friend.

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“I asked that I should be investigated, that each bench should have one member, that it should be a fair commission, and that the president should be chosen from among them. It is not like that. There is democracy. I did not understand the reaction. Rafael Lopez Aliaga was with me because I wanted to talk to him. And he refused to have any kind of conversation with me,” she said.

They open a commission to investigate it

He Municipal Council of Limaheaded by the Burgomaster Rafael Lopez Aliaga, this Wednesday approved the creation of a commission of inquiry against Councilor Julio Cago. The working group will be chaired by Councilor Majo Marcet.

The councilor’s suspension was also discussed at the meeting, but they did not reach the necessary votes to achieve it. 24 votes were needed, but they got 19. Kako presented his case during the session and asked for the process to be open. Because Renzo Regiardo initially proposed that everything should be in existence.


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