Keiko Fujimori | PJ shifts court leadership to probe cocktail case: Details behind the move | Ollanta Humala | Nayko Coronado | principle

Keiko Fujimori |  PJ shifts court leadership to probe cocktail case: Details behind the move |  Ollanta Humala |  Nayko Coronado |  principle

The Judiciary has changed the leadership and composition of the court responsible for oral hearings from July 1 next. Keiko Fujimori to him 'Cocktail Case'. In the process, the prosecution is seeking a prison sentence of 30 years and 8 months against the Fuerza Popular leader.

Third National Collegiate Criminal Court of the National High Court of Special Criminal Justice (CSNJPE). Directed by the judge Naiko Coronado, But now it will be headed by a magistrate Juana Caballero Garcia, Hurrell was in charge of the court last year, specializing in cases of aggravated assault, failure to provide family support and drunken driving.

This Wednesday, Resolution signed by PJ Chairman, Javier Arévalo Vela, in which Appointed Judge Caballero as the new member of the said court.

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The CSJNPE is the court heard for such crimes as one of the most complex processes of the Peruvian judicial system. Organized crime, corruption, money laundering, terrorism, drug trafficking, among others; In addition to identification cases such as Lava Jato, Related to the former president Pedro Castillo and, more recently, such systems Train from Aragua.

Juana Caballero He joined the court as a member of the court to replace Raul Caballero Lara on the judge's proposal. Porphyria Condori, Chair of CSNJPE. Caballero Lara's separation, according to the resolution, was the result of an investigation that reached the executive committee of the judiciary.

CSNJPE Report on Judge Transfer

El Comercio sources previously indicated Raul Caballero In 2019, he joined CSNJPE from the High Court of Dagna, where he had an administrative function due to delays in the administration of justice. This led to a suspension, which was appealed.

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The case reached the Administrative Committee of the Judiciary, which confirmed the sanction of the suspension for six months. It is for this reason that this change is necessary, they pointed out. This was later confirmed by CSNJPE in a statement.

Then, considering the need to appoint a new judge, Caballero García's application was evaluated and he was found to be suitable for the position. “According to their background, jurisdictional function and performance in professional qualifications”.

Magistrate was working Special Criminal Judge of the High Court of Huara. Last year, Caballero took over Now he will look at criminal organization and money laundering cases, such as the Cocktails case, where there are about 40 defendants and more than 1,000 witnesses.

Change in presidency

Caballero Garcia This Wednesday he joined the collegium (a three-judge court) with his colleagues Max Vengoa and Nayoko Coronado, who was the president of the court.

The judge is a lawyer from the University of San Martin de Porres oh During his career at the Superior Court of Justice in Huahua, he was also an ad hoc senior judge, but that promotion

Judge Nayko Coronado, who is part of the court in the Humala-Heredia case, already handed down the sentence related to Odebrecht in 2019. Photo: Judicial Branch

Last Wednesday, in session, Nayko Coronado announced that Judge Caballero will join the case. As this is a change by a single judge, it does not override or affect that judgment.

This Thursday, March 7, The presidency was handed over Juana Caballero in place of Naiko Coronado. shall continue as a member of the arbitrator. The resolution establishing this new harmony was signed by Porfiria Condori, the responsible president of the CSNJPE.

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The document mentions as the basis for the creation of the seniority order of the judges members of this CSN as per the priority table by seniority of the special regular judges of the National High Court, as of March 6 this year. Judicial Special Criminal Code sent by the Office of the Organization of Qualifications and Seniority List.

Sources attached to the CSNJPE opined that, in fact, the change was due to the establishment of leadership of members based on seniority of judges. in this situation, Juana Caballero has been a regular special judge since 2006; Nayko Coronado has been a special criminal judge since 2009 and Max Vengoa since 2017. Coincidentally, Coronado and Vengoa were prosecutors before entering the judiciary, while Caballero has been a judge throughout his career.

Judge Laura Coronado's career in the judiciary

The sources said that the role of a president of the association has been attached “For administrative management of cases: establishing agendas, these kinds of things”. Instead, the deliberative director judge assigned to each case is responsible for preparing the decision and proposing it to the other two members of the court, who can agree or disagree with it. to him 'Cocktail Case', The debate director post is expected to be allocated randomly to the three.

In conversation with criminal lawyer El Comercio Andy Carrion The president of the association admitted that he “manages the judicial office” but “has no absolute importance in settling cases.” The weight falls on the director of discussions who acts as the “announcer” of the sentence. That share may go to the president of the association or to two other members.

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“Obviously, the fact that one of the members of the jury has been replaced raises a little doubt […] It is more common than we think, as he is a very important referee, any change creates suspicion,” he opined. The criminal lawyer said that the judges changes CSNJPE Because they are more common They do not have their own judges, but judges from different courts at the national level are distinguished for their specialty.

Judges of the Third National Collegiate Criminal Court (Raul Caballero Lara, Nayoko Coronado Salazar (Chairman), and Max Vengoa Valdigilasias) while issuing the sentence for the La Centralita case.

The judges of the Third National Collegiate Criminal Court, with its earlier formation, are experienced in complex cases. Earlier in the week, the court sentenced the former governor of Ankash Cesar Alvarez 19 years in prison in the La Centralita case, after a trial that lasted about three years. In addition, they are responsible for the aforementioned case of the former president Ollanda Humala Since February 2022, Coronado has been the debate director. A verdict is expected in the second half of the year.

Judge Naiko Coronado, for his part, is known to have given birth The first sentence is linked to the Odebrecht case in Peru. He was sentenced to 8 years and 3 months in prison Cesar Alvarez Sagas for illegally agreeing the concession of the San Luis highway with a Brazilian construction company USD 2.6 million.

In January, CSNJPE announced that it had decided “by lottery” that the Third National Collegiate Criminal Court would take over the trial of the cocktail case. By then, Sources from El Comercio It highlights that Judge Coronado's “independence” attached to the judicial system guarantees a fair process. Later that month, due to the number of witnesses and the need to advance international cooperation procedures, July 1 was set as the trial date.


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