Kia Peru | Felipe Sarria, general manager of Kia Perú, admits: “I will never change jobs again for money” | Cars | | economy

Kia Peru |  Felipe Sarria, general manager of Kia Perú, admits: “I will never change jobs again for money” |  Cars |  |  economy

Presiding Executive What a big deal He tells us he enjoys running and assures you that it's the best investment you'll ever make. His hidden talent is playing the guitar.

Meera: Projectors for the home, Epson's commitment to growth in 2024 and printers?

– What time do you wake up and what is the first thing you do?

At 6:30 am. The first thing I do is kiss my wife and children.

– What book are you reading?

The Fish in the Water by Mario Vargas Llosa.

– What object should not be missing in your life?

My smartphone (unfortunately).

– What was the last movie you saw?

Good Will Hunting (which I haven't seen in years).

– What applications should you not have on your cell phone?

Outlook, LinkedIn, Spotify, Kindle, Nike Run, IG, X and mobile/digital banking apps.

– ¿Netflix, Amazon, HBO, Apple, Disney?


“The one thing that will never disappear from my life is my smartphone (unfortunately)”

– Your dream car?


– Favorite vacation destination?

the beach I love Mexican beaches.

– What sport do you practice?


– Do I like cocktails?

Pilsen Kalaw is very cool.

– A place you like to relax and work at the same time?

the beach

– Describe it in 3 words.

Familiar, creative and assertive.

“Family and health always come first”

– Do you have hidden talents?

Play the guitar.

– A phrase that defines him/her

Family and health always come first.

– Which company inspires you?


– Which representative of your industry would you like to have dinner with?

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Mr. Song, CEO de Kia Global.

-Who is the boss who targeted you the most?

My current boss and managing director of Astara Peru is Jorge Gonzalez Calle.

– Who gave you the best advice and what was it?

The first investment one should make is in oneself. I think I heard it on a podcast.

– The business decision you are changing?

The only time I changed jobs was for money. I will never do it again for that reason.

– What key question would you ask to hire someone?

Tell a success story about your last role (complete, dramatic and with all characters).

– What is your greatest pride?

my family.

– What is the biggest issue not being talked about in the media?

Of all the positive things it has and can do in Peru.

– What is the main quality of Perus?


– and its main drawback?


See established schedule for ONP for January 2024.


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