Kusanovic proposes installing more technology in runways and Magellan’s airports – El Magalanico

Kusanovic proposes installing more technology in runways and Magellan’s airports – El Magalanico

Alejandro Cusanovic, Senator for Magalens, worked with Minister of Public Works Jessica Lopez to implement integrated electrical filtration on the slabs of the runways of the region’s airports, allowing the continuity of passenger and cargo traffic. Also in the document, the parliamentarian asks the Directorate of Airports to be directed so that the Directorate of Civil Aeronautics, together with the Directorate of Civil Aeronautics, develops plans to improve landing strips and incorporate more technology at airports located in critical areas, such as 3D-equipped instrument landing systems. Approximate technology or others of a similar nature, which guarantee the continuity of air transport of passengers and cargo as a whole.

Kusanovich has already expressed this need, worrying about past snowstorms, which “isolated the area, and if there was a medical emergency, the situation would have been complicated, which is why one of the clues in Punta fell. Electric de-icing should be integrated into the Arenas Airport runway slab. On the other hand, Magellan is the gateway to Antarctica. Must be, and have these routes, as well as a 3000 meter runway with electric defrosting at Puerto Williams.

“Here, year after year, flights are suspended, causing risk, dissatisfaction, costs for passengers and uncertainty in logistics aspects at various airports in the region that includes the Antarctic region. That must change, our region is isolated from other national territories by its geographical characteristics and its extreme climate. Due to the condition, especially in winter, more investment and different treatment is required,” concluded the MP.

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