Learn how to grow mint at home in a simple and minimal space – Enséñame de Ciencia

Image credit: Asari from Getty Images Signature.

Did you know that you can easily grow mint at home without needing much space? As you will read, growing this aromatic herb at home may seem like a challenge to many, but today, the propagation and maintenance of this plant is much simpler than it seems. In the article we will tell you the step by step steps you need to follow to achieve it.

Mint is an aromatic herb loved by many for its sweet aroma, widely used as a condiment or main ingredient in countless preparations and/or beverages, as well as a flavoring or flavoring in homes where it is found. Home Remedies for Scaring Some Insects Because this aroma, which is delicious to us, is thought to act as an aversion to these animals.

Considering its wide use, there are many people who want to get a crop of this flavoring herb instead of buying it in the supermarket, well, if you find yourself in this situation, you have good news, because the reproduction and care of this plant is much simpler than you can imagine, here You have come to the right place because below we will tell you what procedure you need to follow to achieve it.

So, if you are interested in knowing this information, we invite you to continue reading this article because we will tell you all the details about it.

Credit: Asari from Getty Images Signature.
Learn how to grow mint at home in a simple and minimal space

If you want to grow mint at home, we recommend doing the following:

  • A cutting root. The first thing to do to grow mint at home is to root the cutting. For this we recommend cutting about 10 to 15 centimeters from a mint plant. When you are ready for the cutting, take a glass of water, remove the leaves from the bottom of the cutting and submerge it in the water so that only the area you removed the leaves from comes into contact with the water. After that, place the system in a spot that gets several hours of sunlight, and change the water every few days to prevent the cut from getting worse.
  • Transplant surgery. After a day or two, you will notice that the cutting will start to root, watch this and leave some time for the roots to continue growing. Once this is done, you can now transplant the cutting, for this we recommend taking a medium or large pot, placing a well-fertilized substrate and planting the cutting, taking care not to damage the roots, as well as covering them well. substrate. Once this is done, water the plant without drowning it.
  • Maintenance. Once you’ve transplanted, place your pot in a spot that receives sunlight and water whenever you notice the substrate drying out.

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