An easy way to grow cilantro at home in a small space – Enséñame de Ciencia

An easy way to grow cilantro at home in a small space – Enséñame de Ciencia
Image credit: Nasser Nazaruk from Getty Images.

Want to grow your own cilantro at home and go to the garden to harvest it whenever you need it? Although it may sound difficult, planting this herb yourself is much easier than you think, and here are the step-by-step instructions you need to follow to achieve it.

Coriander is a widely used herb to prepare various dishes, especially to add a strange and delicious flavor to them, which is why it is a food that is regularly bought in the shopping center or local markets. Although this is the most common way to obtain this product, it is not the only one, it is possible to do it by growing and harvesting at home without needing much space.

As you learn how to do this and start building your garden with cilantro, today we will share with you a simple guide to achieve it, so if you are interested in having your own pots with this herb, when you can harvest it. Need, we invite you to continue reading this article because below we will tell you all the details about it.

An easy way to grow coriander at home in limited space
  • Get the items. To grow cilantro at home, all you need to get is a pot, which can be a recycled one, a large plastic bottle, a wooden box, or any other large device that can be used for this. On the other hand, you should have substrate and a bag of seeds, which are easily found in the supermarket.

  • Prepare the pot and soil. Once you’ve got the ingredients ready we can get to work. To begin with, you need to prepare the pot and the soil, for this you need to make sure that the pot has good drainage, then put the soil in it, leaving about 3 centimeters of space upwards. While doing this, do not compact the soil too much.
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  • Place the seeds. Once the soil is ready, open the packet of seeds, take a handful and spread them across the pot. The size depends on the size of your pot, so the bigger the pot, the more seeds you can put in.
Image credit: Temmuscon from Getty Images Signature.

  • Some extra soil and watering. Once you have spread the seeds, put a very thin layer of soil over them, approximately one centimeter, and water plenty, but without flooding the soil, which can damage the seeds.

  • Maintenance. Finally, in the case of cilantro seeds, regular watering is necessary so that the soil is moist, but not oversaturated. On the other hand, they need direct sunlight to grow, so they can be placed outdoors or in places that get good sunlight. Generally, within a week you can observe the first sprouts and after a month you can harvest.

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