Lima 2027 Pan American Games will boost the economy of micro and small businesses news

Lima 2027 Pan American Games will boost the economy of micro and small businesses  news

Production Minister Ana Maria Chohuanca highlighted that the Lima 2027 Pan American Games will allow the country's economy to be reactivated through micro and small businesses.

“The commitment of the government is to make this great event a great sports festival and it allows us to move the value chain that includes different sectors including MSEs who had a good contribution to Lima 2019. economy in the years to come,” the manufacturing minister said.

At another time, he highlighted that the government will encourage working with the MIPS to reactivate the economy in the manufacturing sectors. Textiles, uniforms, furniture, Among other things, with the aim of co-creating sales opportunities within the framework of a new international sporting event.

Similarly, he highlighted that the administration continues to work in a multidisciplinary manner to strengthen the country's sustainable development through economic restructuring and citizen security.

“The mips of the country are delighted with the announcement of these new offerings Pan American and Parapan American Games 2027He pointed out that “to promote economic restructuring, our department will start working to achieve consensus, coalitions and confederations to develop and strengthen the country's national industry.”

These reports were published during the launch of the “Finanferia 2024”, a measure that allows leading entrepreneurs of small and small businesses to obtain advice and credit assessment from the Impulso Myperú program, with preferential interest rates.

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Published: 3/13/2024


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