Lima Metro’s Line 2: Minister Raul Pérez Reyes promises MTC will deliver eight stations in December | Peru

Lima Metro’s Line 2: Minister Raul Pérez Reyes promises MTC will deliver eight stations in December |  Peru

Minister of Transport and Communications, Raul Perez ReyesHe assured that his portfolio is taking all necessary steps to activate three more stations Line 2 of the Lima Metro. This means 8 stops will be completed by December, benefiting thousands of commuters using this mode of transport.

its owner MTC He explained to Andina that he is talking to the concessionaires to expedite these works so that the three stations can be operational by the end of the year and thus continue to reduce the delivery time of this important work.

“We are working to see if we can make three more stations operational. “We are meeting with the concessionaire to see how we can speed up the processes so they can be operational.” under control.

read more: Metro Line 2: 14 more concession areas need to be awarded to take the project forward

As already announced, five stations will begin their journey as part of the White Parade in December 2023. In addition, these first stations have five kilometers of track, which include: Mercado Santa Anita, Hermilio Valdizón, Collectora Industrial, Avalo Santa Anita and Evitaminto.

Less time to reach the destination

According to Raul Perez Reyes, This scheme has the function of reducing the users’ time in trains so that they can reach their destination without any problem and in a short period of time.

“Users can travel from the first station to the fifth station in just six minutes, which significantly reduces the travel time.” “Public Transport”said.

In addition, he pointed out that until the completion of this first phase, the system will operate with five trains: three during peak hours (peak hours). Transportation) and two for off-peak hours (with fewer passengers).

read more: MTC in line 2: “If there are no more interruptions, it will end in 2028”

Line 3

Asked about the construction of Line 3, Minister Perez Reyes said MEF For this work, it is promoting a trust fund through which all project flows will go through that tool.

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“We want the project to be developed within a government-to-government framework, but operation and maintenance should follow the logic of a PPP” Accurate.

“What we are looking for is operation and maintenance done by a single company Line 34, 5 and all preceding lines”He pointed out.

When does the white march start in line 2?

Although the exact date for the white parade has not yet been given Line 2 of the Lima MetroBut this first part is known to be free for all users.

According to that plan MTC It was announced in advance that it should be December 21, but there is no official information yet, so it is expected that more details about this important infrastructure will be known soon.


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