Luis Giampitri, Former Vice President of Peru, Dies at 82 | Peruvian Navy | Lima | Peru | Latest | principle

Luis Giampitri, Former Vice President of Peru, Dies at 82 |  Peruvian Navy |  Lima |  Peru |  Latest |  principle

Louis GiambitriFormer Member of Parliament and former Vice President of the Republic passed away This Wednesday, October 4, at the age of 82. Congress observed a minute’s silence in his memory.

Check it out here: Congress will elect a new First Vice President to replace Hernando Guerrera Garcia this Thursday the 5th.

During the session of Parliament, Legislator Jose Cueto (Renovasian Popular) informed his colleagues of the death of Giambitri Rojas.. The Congress, through social media, expressed its condolences to the family and friends.

I want to inform you that Vice Admiral Luis Giampitri Rojas, a former Vice President, Member of Congress of the Republic and a full-fledged sailor, passed away a few minutes ago. Always defended national jurisdiction and (also) naval jurisdiction and fought for democracy above all.A staunch defender and fighter against terrorism” said Jose Cueto.

Legislators etc. who came to know about this news Vivian Olivos, Patricia Chirinos, Alejandro CaveroAnd various politicians took to social media to express their grief over the death of the former Vice President.

Giambitri was the first vice president of the Republic during the second government of Alan GarciaAlso a Congressman from 2006-2011.

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Besides, He rose to the rank of Vice Admiral in the Peruvian Navy He was one of the 72 hostages rescued by the armed forces during Operation Chavín de Huántar at the Japanese embassy in April 1997.

Giambitri was also a councilor of the Municipality of Lima between 1998 and well as the President of the Peruvian Marine Company (IMARPE).

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