Madresfera Space: Technology + Bullying, Problem or Solution?

Madresfera Space: Technology + Bullying, Problem or Solution?

In this case, bullying is one of the most serious and complex problems we can face. Bullying In classrooms, a dramatic situation, nowadays, has been worsened by the use of social networks.

Bullying is not new or a product of our time. We are well aware that its consequences are very serious and, to avoid it, we need to involve all the agents involved in school life. We all need to be aware of how technology impacts this violent landscape, amplifies its destructive effects, and serves as a vehicle for prevention and a potential tool to help victims. environment.

Presenter, in this new Madresfera space to talk about technology’s ambiguous role in bullying Monica de la FuenteWe will have the presence and wisdom of Martina Massana, a data engineering student, author of the anti-bullying book “I’m Weird Too” and creator of a chatbot that fights bullying. and with Pablo Tacmente, professor, computer expert, author of the book “I’ll be waiting for you when I leave. A Parent’s Guide to Anti-Bullying” and creator of the CyberProtecter program to protect vulnerable children on networks.

In addition, Madresfera is part of the Space International Festival programs in May. Podcast Station. You can check all the programming at Next link

To attend, you can book your free ticket on this post. Access is allowed until capacity is reached..

This event includes hearing access measurements (magnetic induction ring, LSE and headphone loudness). The meeting can be continued later Streaming Be transparent with the hashtag on this website and networks #motherspearspace.

Then, we can experience it in ourselves Media library And how Internet At major sites.

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