Magali Medina sympathizes with Priscilla Mateo for Julian Zucchi's rejection: “I could fire her for being stupid”

Magali Medina sympathizes with Priscilla Mateo for Julian Zucchi's rejection: “I could fire her for being stupid”
Magali Medina expresses solidarity with Priscilla Mateo for Julian Zucchi's denial. (Courtesy: Magali TV Law Firm)

Strong notifications. In the latest version Magali TV Law Firm This March 14, its driver Magali Medina He has made a major clarification regarding the scandal surrounding his reporter Priscilla Mateo About Julian Zucchi. The renowned anchor expressed solidarity with the journalist and he gave assurances She was not the Argentinian's boyfriend, but met him after her breakup Yida Slavic.

This comment arises in response to the recent reports of Zucchini, who said he still loves and admires Eslava despite dating the reporter. In addition to the comments of the former reality girl who indicated that the journalist would have been a third party in her relationship with the Argentine.

With this in mind, during his show, the ATV personality expressed his displeasure at the criticism of Mateo, pointing out that he did not interfere in the relationship. Between Zucchi and Eslava. And while the reporter could be fired for his innocence for trusting the actor's words, he insisted that people could not be forced to act a certain way in their personal relationships.

(Courtesy: Magali TV Law Firm)

I could fire her for being stupid, for trusting the words of a worthless guy. I can't force people to love each other more, it's each person's choice. It bothers me, yes, if these kinds of events interfere with your professional work, if I had a Dominguez here, I haven't worked here for a while, if I had a homewrecker, if a reporter went underground, well, I'd break up with her, because I'm “my It goes with managing life.” The communicator noted at the outset.

Realizing the difficult moment he is going through due to criticism and media exposure, the host showed his solidarity with the journalist. Medina insisted Priscilla Mateo She is not used to receiving such public attention and finds it difficult to question the situation.

“What he said today… I would have finished it, frankly, and I'm very angry about that too. I'm not very affectionate to say, but they are my correspondents, I may not show my affection to them but I love them, I love them,” he said.

(Courtesy: Magali TV Law Firm)

On the other hand, regarding negative feedback Priscilla Mateo, That got a “like”. Yida Slavic On social networking sites, Medina She clarified that her correspondent was not a secret lover, as the message implied. The presenter insisted that she knew that Mateo was not in a secret relationship with Zucchi.

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“Now you understand why they never supported Julien because she's an undercover girl working for Makali because she had her boyfriend,” the former reality star captioned the message. Given this, Magali Forcefully responded: “I know she's not a secret, a lover,” the communicator said.

Magali Medina expresses solidarity with Priscilla Mateo for Julian Zucchi's denial. (Composite: Infobae)

Additionally, Magali Medina expressed concern about the emotional state of Priscilla Mateo, your correspondent, in the situation you are going through. It stands out that Mateo is vulnerable to criticism and negative comments on social networks because they are not used to being the center of public attention and receiving these kinds of attacks.

Also, Medina comments on the confusion Mateo You'll have to experiment to see how Julian Zucchi, He continues to express love and admiration for his ex, Yida Eslava, who is considered his exclusive partner. “She's not having a good time, poor Priscilla Mateo has seen her life on the table, they're calling her everything on social networks, she's not used to being in public, she's started dating a guy who's in public, she's not used to it and needs to get spears, critical comments. Today to her ex-partner. She reveals that she is going through a rough time because she doesn't know what to think of the same person she is professing to love and admire, with so much emphasis.

Julian Zucchi reveals why he made Priscilla Mateo official.


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