Magali Soulier | Eric Plinio, her ex-husband, must pay 150 thousand soles as civil compensation | Video | Showbiz | programs

Magali Soulier |  Eric Plinio, her ex-husband, must pay 150 thousand soles as civil compensation |  Video |  Showbiz |  programs

Eric Pilinio MendozaThe ex-partner of Magaly Solier was ordered to pay 150 thousand soles as civil compensation to the actress after the Huamanga Family Court decided to establish shared custody of their children.

The news was not received well by the businessman, who announced that his lawyer would appeal. From his point of view, he argues that the protagonist of 'The Scared Tide' does not yet fulfill the necessary conditions to take care of his minor children.

“Absolutely, I'm going to appeal, and I'm not going to let a person who's still psychologically unwell or unproven, alcoholic and all, see my kids freely.”

Magali Solier's ex-husband has to pay 150 thousand soles to the actress

Regarding the payment of a substantial amount established as civil compensation, the former partner of the actress expressed his opinion that there is no justice for men in Peru.

Plinio Mendoza, who was associated with the 'Amor y Fuego' project, insisted that he would bear all the expenses for his children.

Mendoza emphasized the need for a thorough investigation to understand Magali Sollier's psychological state.

“It has a suspended effect until the appeal day, it's not the final sentence, it's the first instance. “I'm going to go to the end and I know my kids are going to thank me in a second.”

“The judge did not judge that I am the only support for my children at this time. “I cover her alimony, school, sports academies, and on top of that I have to pay the girl 150 thousand.”

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“They've completely disproved her, she's lied all along and I feel completely saddened and a little bit taken aback by the judge's decision, I don't know what it's based on.” Done.

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