Magaly Medina ‘completes’ the match between Yahaira Plasencia and Sergio George: “They are both very pathetic” video farándula trcm | programs

Magaly Medina ‘completes’ the match between Yahaira Plasencia and Sergio George: “They are both very pathetic” video farándula trcm |  programs

destroyed them. Magali Medina Yahaira used a few minutes of her show aired this Thursday, May 25, to talk about the meeting between Plasencia and Sergio Jorge.

As is known, the two men met at a well-known restaurant in the capital and while leaving they were intercepted by the media to talk about their professional rift.

La Urraga, true to his style, observed the two closely, saying that he was used to the phrases they uttered every time they testified to some digital, televised or written media.

“Apparently Sergio invited her to lunch. They invited all the media (…) I’m used to those little cliché phrases they both say”The redhead pointed out.

Magali Medina ‘completes’ meeting between Yahaira Placencia and Sergio Jorge

Medina extolled the attitude of Jefferson Farban’s former partner, describing him as “hypocritical.” He compared her to Gisela Valcarcel’s daughter and other hosts of his morning show.

“I don’t know if George hit Yaha on the head because she was a hypocrite in person. She smiled, she was an Ethel, she was America today, in total hypocrisy”.

Finally, he has strong qualifications for music producer and sass boat: “Look at Yahaira’s disguises next to Sergio. I am ashamed of the others (…) They are both very weak and miserable”.

Drome – Magali ‘completes’ the meeting between Yahaira and Sergio Jorge: “They are both very pathetic”

Sergio Jorge admits he was uncomfortable with Yahaira’s relationship with Jair: “It’s not the time”

Yahaira Plasencia and Sergio George They surprised the public by meeting for lunch at a popular restaurant in Lima, putting aside rumors of their feud.

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The two shared pictures of their meeting at the famous restaurant ‘Astrid y Gaston’ located in the San Isidro district.

A journalist asked Yahaira if Jair Mendoza was the inspiration for Sergio Jorge to walk away from his music career.

“Jair has nothing to do with it, my relationship with Sergio, this is my relationship with Sergio, period. What bothered Sergio was that it came out at the time we were recording the album and it got out of hand, but Sergio already knew.

The music producer said he didn’t like Placencia having dates with Zaire because at the time he was working on an album he was going to sign with Sony.

“It bothered me a bit, I was in Saudi Arabia, so the album I was going to sign with Sony. I wanted to finish it well with Yahaira and all the information came out at the same time, I think the time was not right for it.

Sergio Jorge admits he was uncomfortable with Yahaira’s relationship with Drome – Jair: “It’s not the time”

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