Mall Aventura San Juan de Luricancho | The opening date of the first SJL shopping center, how many jobs it will create, what stores will be there and its million dollar private investment | Cineplanet | Ripley | See Plaza | Malls in Lima | IMP | Provide

Mall Aventura San Juan de Luricancho |  The opening date of the first SJL shopping center, how many jobs it will create, what stores will be there and its million dollar private investment |  Cineplanet |  Ripley |  See Plaza |  Malls in Lima |  IMP |  Provide

He The first shopping center in San Juan de Luricancho It is ready for its inauguration. In an interview with Trome, Marketing and Experience Manager Mall AventuraDomenico Bocchi, Specify the Commencement Date (Commencement of Operations) Y It also explains what this shopping center means to the chain, How many jobs will your operation provide?What brands will be present, expectations and more. A tour shows what this mall looks like, located at Block 9 of Luricancho Avenue near the Lima Metro’s Pyramid del Sol station.

The first mall will soon be a reality in San Juan de Luricancho, and they recently opened the first mall in Iquitos.

Yes. It’s been a very interesting year for Mall Aventura. The opening ceremony in Iquitos at the end of August was a complete success and today we face a new challenge that will become a reality: the opening ceremony of the first shopping center in San Juan de Luricancho. Both markets are very attractive for retail.

What is this shopping center for Mall Aventura?

The mall was scheduled to open a few years ago and the pandemic delayed the process. But once we were able to resume the project, we had a great response from the operators and it meant a lot of work. It is the first commercial complex in this district with a population of more than 1 million 300 thousand.

so, In addition to a modern, secure commercial space, brands can connect with their consumers and bring entertainment closer to families.; Being an employer gives us great satisfaction.

Mall Aventura’s Marketing and Experience Manager, Domino Pogi, in an interview with Drome, presented the interiors of the first shopping center in San Juan de Luricancho and revealed the opening date and other details. (Interview: Isabel Medina / Photo: George Cherton / Drome).

How many jobs is this new mall estimated to provide?

This place creates About 5 thousand people have been added to the world of work: Direct and indirect jobs during construction, supply chain and operations.

Went to Drome Mall Aventura San Juan de Luricancho. The district’s first shopping center is gearing up to offer a new commercial and entertainment proposition. (Interview: Isabel Medina / Photo: George Cherton Drome).

What else made you choose San Juan de Luricancho?

Arequipa, home to a million people, has five shopping malls. San Juan de Luricancho, with a population of one million and 300 thousand people, does not have a single mall.. We come with great satisfaction to serve Lima and Peru’s largest district full of entrepreneurs. Deserving of a better quality of life, there is no modern, safe, diverse place nearby, with the most complete business proposition, top brands and entertainment to enjoy with the family.. Until now, it took consumers in this district about 40 minutes to get to the shopping center (an hour and a half between round trips).

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Many are asking: when exactly will Mall Aventura San Juan de Luricancho open?

Today we present it with Trome: Mall Aventura San Juan de Luricancho opens on November 30.

What are you preparing for the inauguration?

We are preparing a powerful campaign to welcome our visitors. We will keep A full opening weekend with events, concerts, competitions, various activities and a very interesting raffle. It will be good.

How many visitors do you plan to get in the process?

We calculate that In the first year of operation there will be one million and a half monthly visits. From the second year, when it is consolidated, it will surely be two million or a little more.

How many floors are there in total at Mall Aventura San Juan de Luricancho?

has Seven stages of construction. Four levels up (fashion, clothing, accessories, sports brands, plus gastronomy, gym, entertainment, cinema, sports…) and Three levels of foundations: One for parking, one for parking and one for auto center (Aventura Motors) and another for supermarket, homecentre (home development), banking and services area.

The first shopping center in San Juan de Luricancho is preparing to receive one and a half million visitors a month, offering a new commercial and entertainment proposition. (Interview: Isabel Medina / Drome).

And how much is the investment?

On average, an investment 85 million dollars That’s what it would cost to build this hyper-regional format mall.

Went to Drome Mall Aventura San Juan de Luricancho. The district’s first shopping center is gearing up to offer a new commercial and entertainment proposition. (Interview: Isabel Medina / Photo: George Cherton Drome).

How is occupancy going in terms of stores?

Somewhat good. We started with a 95% contract on the leased area.

How many shops are there in this mall?

Including around 150 activities, shops and all the businesses we do.

What will this shopping center have?

For example, with Ripley, Xiaomi, Check out the Plaza, AdvertiseOechsle, Cineplanet, Smart Fit, Adidas, Renzo Costa.

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Mall Aventura’s Marketing and Experience Manager, Domenico Pogi, announced the opening date after touring the facilities of the first mall in San Juan de Luricancho with Drome. (Interview: Isabel Medina / Photo: George Cherton Drome).

The mall is open during the Christmas season. Good expectations…

Yes, we believe so The first month of operations is very favorable in terms of attendance and sales. In general, it has been a difficult year for the sector and we hope that the Christmas campaign will help recover what could not be made in the second quarter.

Drome visited the soon-to-be-opened Mall Aventura San Juan de Luricancho. The district’s first shopping center is gearing up to offer a new commercial and entertainment proposition. (Interview: Isabel Medina / Photo: George Cherton / Drome).

In terms of security, what do they expect? A state of emergency has been declared in the district.

Of course, this is something we consider and insecurity does not only affect San Juan de Luricancho. While this is true, in some counties we find ourselves with a declaration of emergency like this, Mall Aventura is also thinking about paying more attention to security, personnel and coordination with the National Police.

In a previous interview, he told us about the project to build a bridge to connect the Lima metro station to the shopping center. How is that effort going?

Yes, indeed, it requires permits, licenses; But if The intention is to improve the connection between the Pirámide del Sol station and the shopping center in the future.across a bridge, and enhance the entire outdoor experience so that pedestrians feel comfortable as they step off the Lima Metro and into the shopping center.

He pointed out that the mall is in top shape. Will Mall Aventura be the largest shopping center in Peru?

Its form is dominant (those with 50 thousand square meters or more are called so) and It is one of the largest in our chain. The one in Santa Anita is 90 thousand square meters; About 75 thousand of Arequipa. That of San Juan de Luricancho Starting with a leased area of ​​60 thousand square meters Also, if success catches up with us, we have the opportunity to expand like our other shopping centers in two to three years.

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The first shopping center in San Juan de Luricancho will open with Mall Aventura. Millionaire private investment is creating jobs and the mall is gearing up to offer a new commercial and entertainment program. (Interview: Isabel Medina / Photo: George Cherton / Drome).

What value does Mall Aventura offer?

Our value proposition Rotate around multiple axes Among them: Create world-class destinations (First-class infrastructure, landscaping design, good location and transport connectivity, high-regional format).

He too ‘All in one place’ (When visiting us, if you want, you can spend a whole day in the mall: doing paperwork, paying for services, shopping, having lunch, spending quality time with your family, having fun at events, games, movies… you are a Find the best option here even if you want to buy a car).

Went to Drome Mall Aventura San Juan de Luricancho. The district’s first shopping center is gearing up to offer a new commercial and entertainment proposition. (Interview: Isabel Medina / Photo: George Cherton Drome).

He Contribution to society (Not only with our campaigns, formalities, employment, tax payments, taxation for the district, design thinking about energy efficiency, waste management…).

And one of our most important differences, the Retail strategy (Consolidated with our OASIS sub-brand that integrates retail with gastronomy, high-impact games, concerts, cinema, entertainment, entertainment integrated with mall dynamics).

I know that:

  • Mall Aventura will close the year with 5 shopping centers: The first opened in Santa Anita, Chiclayo, Arequipa and Iquitos in August.
  • Value Proposition: ‘Have everything in one place and entertainment tips.’
  • Commercial premises form: In addition to business incentives and employment, capital gains on land (revaluation), planning, regularization, sales taxes and taxes will help develop the district.”Domenico Bocchi said.

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