Marcelo Oxenford talks about his life in Peru and his daughter Juliana: “90% of what he says is not true” | Juliana Oxenford, Yvonne Frayssinet and others | Interview | Television | Theater | Lights

Marcelo Oxenford talks about his life in Peru and his daughter Juliana: “90% of what he says is not true” |  Juliana Oxenford, Yvonne Frayssinet and others |  Interview |  Television |  Theater |  Lights

He was born in Buenos Aires in 1947 but spent most of his life in Peru. At the age of 34, he came to our country as a sales manager of a soft drink brand with the intention of staying for only two years; However, life surprised him with new work and personal plans, and he never considered the idea of ​​leaving again.

Whenever they ask me if I love Peru more than Argentina, I answer that Argentina is my mother, Peru is my wife, my daughter and my grandson. They are incomparable loves. I love them simultaneously and differently“, clarifies Marcelo Oxenford.

I stayed because of the fascinating people”, he assures. “In Argentina she worked as a master of ceremonies and model because she was attractive when she was younger. I'm not an actor, here I accidentally got into acting. Later, I separated from my first wife. In that situation, after breaking up, I started a relationship with Yvonne. That was 36 years ago and now I'm also Peruvian, but in football I'm totally Argentinian”, he warns.

Oxenford Borton and Frayssinet Gaviria were close friends before they became a couple. When they met, the actor says, they were both in the “breakup process”. From her first husband, Ricardo Combi from Argentinian journalist and he Come on Liliana.

We dated for a year as friends, and in the meantime, Yvonne introduced me to a friend because she didn't want to see me alone. We were very active, we went out in groups, Pepe Cipolla, Anita Martinez, Fernando de Soria. We didn't want to fall in love, but one day the spark was lit, and after 36 years we are still together: 29 cohabiting and seven married, and with one daughter Lucia.”, he insists.

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Besides Lucia, Marcelo has four children from his first engagement: Maria Lorena, Maria Eugenia, Juan Manuel and Maria Juliana. The connection with the latter is remote. A few weeks ago, the journalist said: “I had nothing to do with him because it was my decision.”.

I don't want to touch that topic because it's too thorny. Juliana was sent to speak and she had every right to do so. I tell you she is very wrong because what she says is not 90% true. I get along well with the other three children from my first marriage. Let's say the only dissatisfaction is Juliana. I tried (to get close) but she didn't want to.”Oxenford clarifies.

Acting a life

The 76-year-old artist has been in our country for more than four decades. He made his acting debut in 1985.Opposite house”. He has also been a part of popular soap operas and serials: ““Maria Emilia, dear”,”Sunflowers for Lucia”, Maria Rosa, Find Me A Wife”, “There's Room Downstairs”, “This Is Life”, “1000 Trades” etc.

“There are more than 40 productions in total apart from plays. I was lucky enough to work with my good friend Ricky Tozzo and Christian Andrade on 'Theatre from the Theatre'. I have led an eventful but happy life as an actor. I always tell my acting students that television makes you famous, but theater makes you an actor. It's good to be famous, it's hard to be famous, but the hardest thing is to retire with dignity”, he says after thinking about his artistic future.

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I know I'm at an age where I can't go to Hollywood and be a leading man. In Yvonne's case it's different, they call her more and more. It's endless, it lasts for a while (laughs). She is artistic, she has won many awards in her novels, in school… She has ten awards for every two I have. I know I am a good actor but she is a great actress. We have worked together many times and in January this year we took 'Open Jodi' to America. We were in seven states, full houses and good reviews. A year earlier we had brought the same show to the country“, sentence.

“Comedy of the Year”

Temporarily away from the small screen, Marcelo Oxenford is preparing to return to the theater as the director of “The Comedy of the Year”, which runs Saturdays April 6, 13, 20 and 27 at 8 p.m. At the Jade Theater in Linz, ME.

This drama installment stars the following actors: Pedro Olortegui, Franco Issa, Daniel Menacho, Kaiska Pasalotos, Paula Misha, Celeste Mori and Macarena Garcia.

Marcelo with the cast of “Comedy of the Year”. (Photo: Anthony Nino de Guzman)

I am in a calm state and learn a lot because one always has something to learn. My life is good because I am an honest guy. I don't have a house in Miami or a yacht in Santa Maria, but I have a stable situation and I'm lucky to say that my four oldest children are in great shape financially, socially and romantically. Lucia plans to be one. I believe she will be the fifth link. I also have a wonderful partner. I am very happy”, he insists.

Marcelo Oxenford teaches acting classes at TEYF – Teatro Estudio de Yvonne Frayssinet. (Photo: Anthony Nino de Guzman)


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