Miley Sings Rock’n’Roll, Teaches a Freelance Economics Class and Beats Up Her Enemies – Telemundo 62

Miley Sings Rock’n’Roll, Teaches a Freelance Economics Class and Beats Up Her Enemies – Telemundo 62

BUENOA AIRES, Argentina — Argentina’s far-right president, Javier Millay, gave a class on libertarian economics, sang rock and roll and presented his latest book in front of thousands of followers on Wednesday. Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has been insulted amid diplomatic friction between the historically friendly nations.

Dressed in a leather jacket, shirt and tie, Miley took the stage at the Luna Park Arena and was greeted by more than 10,000 fans chanting “Freedom, Freedom”.

Meanwhile, a rock band begins playing the first chords of popular local group La Renga’s “Panic Show,” which Miley used as an anthem during her presidential campaign.

The President took the microphone and sang a song that began: “Hello everyone, I am a lion. The beast growled in the middle of the avenue. Everyone ran without understanding. Panic in broad daylight”

Before launching into a presentation on her new book, “Capitalism, Socialism and the Neoclassical Trap,” published by Editorial Planeta, Miley joked: “I wanted to do this because I really wanted to sing.”

Miley’s piece of music was not sent through an official signal, but through libertarian social networks. Independent media cameras are also not allowed inside the stadium.

Initially, Milei had planned to present his book at the Buenos Aires International Book Fair on May 12, but disagreements with the organizers – who publicly questioned him about cuts in the budget allocated to culture – led the president to seek a more friendly structure. .

“Because one cannot be ungrateful, we have to thank (Alejandro Vaccaro) of the Book Fair Foundation. Thanks to the Kirchnerists,” Millay said, referring to the center-left Peronist current led by former president Cristina Fernandez and former vice president.

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During the event, Miley’s supporters insulted Pedro Sánchez, the head of the Spanish government, which made the Argentine ruler smile. “Hang on, (Diana) Mondino (principal) is going to ask me for overtime,” Miley commented.

Argentina’s President Javier Mille was giving a speech at his old school when a student fainted and did nothing. For more from Telemundo, visit

Argentina is facing an unprecedented diplomatic crisis with historic ally Spain over Millay’s statements against the president of the Spanish government and his wife Becona Gómez, who has been condemned for corruption in that country.

Milei’s statements during a meeting of Europe’s far-right leaders in Madrid last weekend led to Spain’s decision to withdraw its ambassador from the South American country.

From early in the morning, Miley supporters began lining up to get one of the nearly 10,000 free tickets distributed by volunteers from the ruling Libertad Avanza party.

“For me, he is the best president in the world,” said 20-year-old Madias Musica. The young man pointed out that thanks to the slowdown in inflation, he is now “more adequately paid” than he was before.

Additionally, he said he “completely agrees” with Miley’s stances. Referring to former US President Donald Trump’s motto, he said, “I see him as a president with decisive results.

Thus the new president took office.

Argentina’s flags were mixed with other colors of yellow and a lion in the center, with the legend, “Long Live Freedom, Hell,” which Miley repeats in every public appearance. Masks of the president and black hats emblazoned with the words “The Force of Heaven” in gold were much sought after from street vendors.

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“I’m excited about this new government,” said 37-year-old Sebastian Sproviro, who attended a political event for the first time. “I have never disagreed with the policies taken in the country since the return of democracy (1983) till today. I am against Peronism and I do not agree with many ideas of socialism. We had those ideas for a long time. The liberalism proposed at this time is astounding.

From the opposition, they criticized Miley for the festive event, when roughly 42% of Argentines are poor and economic activity shrank by 5.3% in the first quarter of the year, ending expectations of a short-term recovery after a tough performance. Cut in public spending.

“He is a disruptive president. Javier Mille is like that, he was, is and will be,” said Eduardo Cerenellini, communications and press secretary, answering questions upon arrival at Luna Park.

Also, on Wednesday, the dollar reached its historic high in the informal exchange market due to some objections the economic plan is generating among investors.

With just two years of experience in politics, economist Millay broke the almost uninterrupted dominance of center-left Peronism since 2003.

The government said no public resources were used to organize the presentation of the book, instead the president transferred the economic rights to the sale of the book on behalf of an unidentified private company.

“She keeps the royalties from the book until all the money from the event is raised, then I start collecting the money. No royal money. I fund my stuff,” Miley explained in an interview with the Dodo Noticias channel earlier in the day.

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After winning the presidency of Argentina, Millay returned to the main axes of his economic thought, strongly influenced by the Austrian school, which defended the free market and contrasted with other neoclassical, Marxist and Keynesian theories.

The work he launched with this show sells for $27.


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