More than 7,000 people visited the Ministry of Science’s public exhibition to celebrate Heritage Day

More than 7,000 people visited the Ministry of Science’s public exhibition to celebrate Heritage Day

Girls, boys, youth, adults and seniors get to experience and learn about the biographies and contributions of five pioneering women in science and research who, in the recent past, laid the foundation for the development of current knowledge.

Santiago, May 28, 2023.- “Tradition Makers: Knowledge for the Future”. This is the theme of the exhibition created by the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation as part of the weekend’s activities to celebrate Heritage Day this Sunday.

At 10 a.m., the doors of the space installed in front of the Ministry’s office on Morande Street in the center of Santiago were opened. There, modules were installed highlighting the biographies of five pioneering women in the generation of science, research and knowledge: Adelina GutierrezFirst female astronomer and pioneer of astronomer training in Chile; Elosa Diazthe country’s first female surgeon and director of the Chilean School Medical Service; Great MostniAustrian academic who nationalized Chile and was the first female director of the National Museum of Natural History; Julietta Kirkwood, sociologist, feminist activist and pioneer in highlighting gender equality issues; And Justice AgunaChile and the first woman in Latin America to study engineering.

In total, more than 7,000 people passed through the venue, and in addition to meeting these five women, they were able to share with Science Minister Ison Etcheverry and Undersecretary Carolina Keynza. A lucky few received a pioneer book as a gift, while girls and boys had the opportunity to enjoy part of the collection of the Adelina Gutiérrez Library, the first public library specialized in science dissemination, which opened its doors to the public in April. This year..

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Participating in the model were Science Undersecretary Carolina Keynza and Science Minister Aisen Etcheverry.

“We are very proud to be part of this traditional festival today, the pioneers of our science and technology in Chile, who have encouraged and paved the way for many women. They are human heritage and making them visible is part of our role as a ministry,” highlighted Science Minister Ison Etcheverry.

Activities like these “show the interest science and knowledge generate in people of all ages,” said Undersecretary Carolina Cainza. “This is precisely one of the tasks of our ministry. Make available to society the research that has been carried out in Chile for many years. The history and contribution of these five pioneer women scientists who were part of the sample we conducted is an example of this.

In addition to the legacy of these five women, the Ministry of Science highlighted five physical locations associated with the creation and dissemination of knowledge created in Chile. Therefore, the families attending the exhibition remembered places such as the National Astronomical Observatory, the “La Morada” Women’s Home, the Santiago Institute of Hygiene, the State Railway Company and the National Museum of Natural History.


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