Omnibus Act: Reps approve Javier Mille's mega plan, prepare to debate | Argentina | Senate | | Argentina

Omnibus Act: Reps approve Javier Mille's mega plan, prepare to debate |  Argentina |  Senate |  |  Argentina

President Javier Mille celebrated the passage of the omnibus law in Argentina's Congress. Photo: LR/AFP composite

The Omnipotent lawPromotion by the President Argentina, Javier Milei, this Friday, February 2, was generally approved by the representatives of the Republican Congress. With 144 votes in favour, 109 against and no abstentions, the mega project will be debated amid a series of citizen protests on the outskirts of the city. Parliament He should be sacked.

After more than 2 days of discussion, the delegates agreed on the reform package mercyIt had to be modified in recent days because the Justice Department rejected the Labor chapter, which will be debated article by article starting Tuesday, February 6.

The basics of the Omnibus Act were approved with 144 votes. Now its discussion is awaited. Photo: AFP

“The spirit is to be with the government and the president, so they have the tools,” parliament member Miguel Picheto told AFP.

The delegates' decision generated a series of demonstrations outside Congress, where they were repressed by agents of the Argentine National Gendarmerie. Civilians, including many retirees, were forced to retreat by tear gas and rubber bullets. When some of them were arrested.

The authorities' response came before a group of protesters burned posters and containers.

Miley celebrates the advancement of omniscience

After the omnipotence law was advanced in Argentina's Congress, the president Javier Miley He welcomed the fact that his proposed package of measures came up for debate.

History will remember all with respect Those who understand the historical context and end the privileges of caste and corporate republic in favor of people who have been suffering poverty and starvation for years by the political class. Especially on the day of the vote on the law, we hope to have the same greatness that will advance to the Senate and begin to return dignity to the Argentine people.. Freedom, work and order is the only viable path for our country“, they pointed out from the President's office.

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Official parliamentarians of Libertad Avanza celebrate the approval of the omnibus law. Photo: AFP

What does the Omnibus Act say?

Javier Millay's government, from the beginning of his mandate, encouraged implementation Omnipotent lawA proposal of more than 500 articles promising to free Argentina from the dire crisis facing the liberal regime.

Protesters outside the Argentine Congress against the omnibus law. Photo: AFP

It covers various matters of grave concern in the country such as sale of public enterprises, external borrowing without parliamentary approval and relaxation of all economic activities. The law has been criticized by many social organizations as a violation of Argentina's sovereignty and rights.

“We know before Argentina what happens if we focus on adjusting the economic model and deregulation,” opposition deputy Leandro Santoro said before the vote.

Argentinians show rejection of omnibus law

On Thursday, hundreds of protesters who rejected the reforms at the doors of Congress were repressed by police with rubber bullets, gas and water cannons until the neighborhood was cleared.

One of the leaders of the ruling party, José Luis Espart, responded to the actions of the security forces, which injured dozens of people, as verified by AFP.

The presidential spokesman, Manuel Attorney, said on Friday that eight people had been detained in the incidents and seven agents had been injured in “acts of violence”.

With information from AFP.


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