Pasco Institute of Science and Technology to assemble and launch nanosatellites into space

Pasco Institute of Science and Technology to assemble and launch nanosatellites into space

At an altitude of more than 3500 meters above sea level, in the population center of Pucurhuay, Pasco, Quechua-speaking boys and girls, members of the science club “Ashishum Yachachikkuta” (Search for Knowledge) run by Concytec, will take a historic step. As part of the CubeSats program in PERU, the department assembles and launches nanosatellites.

The project consists of three phases. First, students will build CubeSatSims, a low-cost satellite prototype that works with solar panels and batteries; In the second phase, students will simulate initiation; And, finally, in the third phase, teams will fly operational CubeSats, they will take different data, analyze and compare.

As part of the CubeSats in PERU program, students will be trained in nanosatellite assembly, space science, solar panels, batteries, UHF radio telemetry, 3D printing, sensors, payloads, balloons and satellite communications.

The organizations responsible for the project are the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA Rocky Mountain Division of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics), Amateur Satellite Radio Corporation (AMSAT), and Abelion Aerospace.

A science and technology institute “Ashishum Yachachikuda” was established in 2019 with the support of Consitech at Luis Alberto Sanchez Educational Institute with a total of 50 students. The students, under the guidance of their teacher Joel Cordova Ponce, received various recognitions at the local and national level for their contribution to the development of science and its dissemination in Quechua.

Gina Juan Mendoza, president of the College of Science and Technology and a student, encourages young people to be interested in science: “I encourage them to do science because it is a pleasant world where you can discover many things. If you have questions, you should. Ask respectfully, and when you find the answer you feel very happy, Because you already know something new.

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Institutes of Science and Technology

The Science and Technology Clubs are an initiative of Considec, with the aim of arousing interest in science, technology and innovation, and promoting the development of scientific culture in Peruvian society. To achieve this, students are exposed to a variety of activities that create favorable conditions for the development of their inventiveness, creative abilities and knowledge, and to achieve a better quality of personal and social life.

Currently more than 10 thousand science clubs are registered across the country, impacting 102,425 students and 9,845 teachers (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), who develop projects linked to scientific research and technology application.

In 2023, the initiative took first place in the education category of the Award for Good Practices in Public Administration, organized every year by Ciudadanos al Día (CAD).


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