Perú Libre Presents a Plan to Reorganize the Public Ministry: Does Congress Have Support for It? | principle

Perú Libre Presents a Plan to Reorganize the Public Ministry: Does Congress Have Support for It?  |  principle

Bench Free Peru On Wednesday, the 28th tabled a bill to declare an emergency Public MinistrySuspension of the functions of the National Prosecutor, Juan Carlos Villanaand Supreme Bar Council.

The proposal was written by Congressman Segundo Montalvo Cuba and has the support of Vladimir Cerón, the fugitive leader of Peru Libre.

The Bill proposes that the functions of the Supreme Council of Prosecutors should vest in the National Assembly of Prosecutors, consisting of seven of them elected by the heads of the Boards of Senior and Provincial Prosecutors.

Perú Libre argues that the Public Ministry should be restructured, Jaime Villanueva, a former adviser to the suspended ex-prosecutor of the Nation Patricia Benavides, has linked various supreme, high and provincial prosecutors to illegal activities.

This is a free Peru bill:

Congressman Jorge Montoya (Renovación Popular) was recently known to have a bill that proposes to declare a state of emergency and reorganize the Public Ministry. The proposal was questioned by the Acting Attorney General who described it as “manifestly unconstitutional and arbitrary” and said it would violate the autonomy and independence of the public ministry.

A Renovación popular source indicated that the bill is under evaluation at the bench. Meanwhile, Vladimir Cerón assured that the Peru Libre project was “not similar”.

“In this bill [de Perú Libre] The Intervening Commission was elected not from the Congress, but from the Public Ministry itself, by boards of High and Provincial Prosecutions. There will be no conflict that violates the independence of each company,” Ceron said on social network X, earlier on Twitter.

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Congressman Fernando Rospigliosi (Fuerza Popular) considered that Parliament should evaluate a “fair” plan. It refers to a proposal to create a multi-stakeholder commission to prepare a proposal to reform the justice system within a maximum of 45 business days.

The motion was submitted last December with the signatures of 14 members of Congress from the parties Fuerza Popular, Alliance for Progress, Democratic Change – Together for Peru, Magisterial Block, Somos Peru, Podemos, Avanza País and Popular Renewal.

Despite the rejection by 45 votes in favor and 46 against at the plenary session of Congress on 15 December, Rospigliosi proposed a review of the vote, which will be seen after the parliamentary recess. According to him, it needs to be assessed “before taking more drastic measures, it will be a bit urgent”.

Finally, he pointed out that the attorney general issued a statement that was “somewhat hasty and confronting Congress, none of these alternatives have yet been discussed.”

“He did so in a situation where the public ministry is in a very deep crisis, with conflicts among its members and mistakes, if not crimes, by some of its most important members,” he pointed out. Conversation with El Comercio.

Meanwhile, Guido Bellido, spokesman for Perú Bicentenario, promised that he would evaluate “under which arguments” the reorganization of the Public Ministry is proposed.

He also questioned the response Attorney General's description of the Popular Renewal motion as unconstitutional. “Which organization is in charge of announcing, say, a public ministry in restructuring? If not Congress then what is it? Who is the competition? It's simple. If Congress has jurisdiction, why is it unconstitutional,” he said.

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A spokesman for Axion Popular (AP), Luis Aragon, said he “supports” the proposal “after a long, serious, non-partisan debate, which is not incompatible with other interests”.

For Aragon, we should talk about the reform policy of the public ministry, although he said that he is not yet sure of implementing it through a bill.

The legislator envisioned the intervention of representatives from universities, professional associations, judges and the prosecutor's office.

“I would support yes [el proyecto de ley], to the extent that a serious, mature, sustained, unbiased debate can be seen to exist, of course, is incompatible with other political interests. “You have to be very careful because Congress may finally approve it, but it may be a real reform,” he said.

Against “extreme positions”.

Congresswoman Lady Camons of the Alianza por el Progreso (Alliance for Progress) opined, “I don't think extreme positions will work.”

“We know there is a crisis in the public ministry and I think decisions need to be made in a multidisciplinary way, and suddenly a commission to help improve things in the public ministry, I think this is the best decision,” he said.

José Cueto, a legislator from Renovación Popular, indicated that his party had not yet studied the plan, but he noted that it was different from what they were preparing. “We are evaluating ours because there may be a hint of unconstitutionality there because it is a completely autonomous body, I cannot say more than that. It has nothing to do with ours,” he said.


For his part, Sigrid Bazan, spokesman for Democratic Change, told this newspaper that the Peru Liber project threatens the independence of the public ministry.

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“Our position is to completely reject a plan that is clearly unconstitutional. Interestingly, parties join forces to promote interference in an autonomous and independent institution whose leaders or figures are being investigated,” he said.

The Public Ministry continues its actions against various party leaders in Congress, including Cerron and Rafael López Aliaga (Renovación Popular).

According to Bhazan, “It is clear that they are looking for a justice system that suits them. Besides, they are looking for an electoral system that suits them, and no doubt, they will go further.


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