‘Popeye’ arrested with 4,000 ecstasy pills from Spain: they will be distributed in a bar in Miraflores

‘Popeye’ arrested with 4,000 ecstasy pills from Spain: they will be distributed in a bar in Miraflores
Police officers found ecstasy pills | Panamericana

Mario Ramos RoldanA character who served customers at a popular bar’Popeye‘ of MirafloresArrested by the Anti-Narcotics Directorate of the National Police of Peru (Trandro PNP) received 4,000 ecstasy pills from Spain hidden in a steel tank.

“These tablets were to be distributed in different locations in Miraflores. Each pill costs about $30 and the impact of this criminal network averages more or less $120,000,” said Col. PNP. Luis Angel BolañosHead of Port Division It’s rainingto Panamericana.

They also intervened Luis Pasalar BarriosA ‘rock’ of methamphetamine was sent from him Madrid, Spain. Agents It’s raining Disguised as delivery men, they stopped him when he received the package at his home. Valley.

Inside the property of Pasalar Barrios, who studied botany and zootechnics National Agricultural University of La MolinaThe custody He found a laboratory where marijuana was grown.

“Cannabis sativa plants and seedlings have been removed. Likewise, a kind of irrigation system was provided with equipment to measure the pH with various tools such as shovels, concentrated hydroponic solution for leafy vegetables,” an agent told Panamericana.

According to Col. PNP Luis Angel BolañosHead of Port Division It’s rainingIt will be sold in drugstores Valley, Miraflores And this Center of Lima.

A well-known character ‘Popeye’ cooperates with the police after being arrested. Photo: Infobae Composite

According to a report from Buenos Aires Peru, Ramos Roldan Y Bazalar Barrios They are collaborating with international authorities to eliminate the drug-trafficking mafia in exclusive areas of the capital.

In the Apurímac Valley region, the Ene and Mantaro rivers (Vraem), Trundro agents arrested Ronald Cajuana Arrieta, alias ‘Tlin’, after finding packages of cocaine in the trunk of a truck.

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According to police, Cahuana Arrieta was responsible for transporting drugs produced in Vram to Ayacucho and then to Bolivia. Agents tracked down the suspect through wiretaps of phone conversations.

However, narcotics officers were drawn to a piece of dialogue starring ‘Tlinn’ in which she coordinated a meeting with a character calling herself ‘Aunt Santa’. Trandro hypothesizes that Ronald Cahuana Arrieta turned to shamans to help him succeed in his illegal activities.

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“They deliberate through their rituals, they think whether their business or the transaction of this illegal trade will succeed or not,” said PNP Gen. Jose Arturo Luteña, head of Trandro. Weekly report.

Meanwhile, lawyer Jorge Chavez Cotrina, the national coordinator of the Office of Special Prosecutors Against Organized Crime, said: “Before removing the drugs or starting to transport the drugs, they ‘pay the land’ and that’s what they see. “Esoteric.”

According to the police investigation, Ronald Cahuana Arrieta It also had secret landing strips under its control Bolivian small planes They went down to collect bricks of drugs.

“We know that Bolivia is where many drugs that leave Peru reach the Old Continent, through Paraguay and then Atlantic Harbor It’s through Argentina, Uruguay or Brazil, and the loads go out through maritime shipping in these containers,” Lutena added.


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