Progress in Preparation of Preventive Manual for Faculty of Economics and Commerce in collaboration with Civil Service | UAH

Progress in Preparation of Preventive Manual for Faculty of Economics and Commerce in collaboration with Civil Service |  UAH

“Encouraging interdisciplinary dialogue to establish strategic directions for manufacturingGender Workplace Violence Prevention Handbook“The common sector is the scope of the interdisciplinary work schedule assembled within the framework of collective work. Faculty of Economics and Business UAH And this Directorate of National Civil Service (Civil Service). This place brings delegates together Civil Service; Ministry of Labour; Social Security Monitoring (Suseso); Institute of Industrial Safety (ISL); Under Secretary for Women and Gender Equality; Comptroller General of the Republic (CGR); National Association of Tax Employees (ANEF) And this International Labor Organization, ILO Southern Cone Office. The table was opened in May this year with an explanation of the working method.

“We are working with these organizations to increase input and to understand the expectations of strategic actors in the public sector regarding the scope of this manual and the procedures contained therein,” he explained. Consuelo CarnicaFEN coordinator of the project.

We believe that this handbook is an initiative that will contribute to advancing implementation ILO Convention 190 About violence and harassment in the world of work, which precisely seeks to eradicate these practices from workplaces,” he added. This agreement has already been approved by the State of Chile and we are waiting for our law to modify the principles governing this international standard.

On September 13, a second session was held at the civil service offices where the technical inputs collected by the companies were reviewed for the purposes of the manual preparation work, Carnica said. The process is carried out through a formal paper that each organization works with, citing guidelines for preparing a procedure for reporting and punishing abuse, workplace and sexual harassment., was updated by the Civil Service in 2018 and proposes a plan to remove the material. A third session will be held in October, when the outline of the manual will be presented.

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This schedule provides a continuation of the work that FEN and the Civil Service are doing together. The cooperation agreement they signed in 2016 Designing and implementing policies and procedures for people management and development, on topics such as gender, social dialogue, abuse and workplaces, and sexual harassment.

In the same vein, FEN’s Director of Environmental and Program Liaison, Mauricio AranedaThis kind of cooperation clearly expresses the social stamp of FEN-UAH, which is placed in the development of public policies that promote well-being for the whole society, especially for the most vulnerable:

“The creation of this handbook is part of a commitment to sustainability with the previous initiative we have led with EU funding. This work reinforces the public sector people model “It was designed by our university and is part of the governing role of the civil service, which is celebrating 20 years of existence this year, as a pillar institution of the modernization of the state, for us, starting from the people,” he assured. .

The FEN project coordinator summed up the expectations in this handbook: “We believe it will Significant contribution in solving workplace violence cases with gender perspective in public sectorProviding guidance and tools that enable organizations today Prevent, identify and better manage situations of workplace violence. We believe this is a significant contribution within the framework of the implementation of ILO Convention 190 that addresses a deeply felt need of the public sector.


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