Regional Chambers of Commerce identify strategic plans to revitalize the economy and employment in southern Peru.

In Arequipa, the chambers of commerce of the 10 regions of the south of the country, the PYME Peru Association and CONFIEP, are working on a portfolio of strategic investments for rapid and timely implementation, which will promote reactivity and job creation in the southern region. From Peru.

To develop this agenda, the priorities presented by the leaders of the Regional Chambers of Commerce were evaluated, which seeks to increase the exportable supply of southern Peru in order to meet the vision of rapid implementation with other medium-term investments. Link road and airport, fight against malnutrition and childhood anaemia, improvement of education and development of Southern Sea Route.

Thus, the short and medium term agenda, which is the objective “United for Rehabilitation and Employment in Southern Peru”, It focuses on the sectors of agriculture, tourism, road infrastructure, health, energy, education and healthcare in the regions of Ica, Cusco, Madre de Dios, Apurímac, Moquegua, Tacna, Arequipa, Puno, Huancavelica and Ayacucho.

Southern Chambers of Commerce recognize that many social and economic gaps need to be bridged, particularly with children and rural populations. For this reason, the representatives of the business sector expressed that the sentiment of the South was one: to resume the path of progress for the regions.

Southern Peru offers great potential to bridge the gaps affecting the population. The mining and gas sector contributes 30% of Southern Peru’s GDP, services including tourism contribute 15%, manufacturing contributes 13%, and trade accounts for 8% of GDP. The agricultural sector alone provides about 1 million 600 thousand jobs in the 10 regions of southern Peru. In addition, all these economic activities will allow to promote the production chain with about 460 thousand registered micro and small enterprises.

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For this reason, the mission of the task force established in Arequipa is to select projects that help people reactivate and expand their economic activities and create jobs for all. Priority projects include a portfolio of public works valued at $6 billion. Only priority projects in irrigation, sanitation and hygiene will have a direct impact on more than 3 million 260 thousand people.

Raúl Sauritupa, President of the Apurímac Chamber of Commerce; Julio Cáceres, President of Arequipa Trade and Industry; Paul Soto, President of the Ayacucho Chamber of Commerce and Production; John González, president of the Cusco Chamber of Commerce; Mariano Aguilar, President of the Huancavelica Chamber of Commerce; Eduardo Ojeda, President of the Ica Chamber of Commerce and Manufacturing; and Fred Inti, president of the Madre de Dios Chamber of Commerce.

Likewise, Andrés Melendez, president of the Mokugua Chamber of Commerce; Francisco Aquis, president of the Puno Chamber of Commerce and Production; Guillermo Martoral, former president of the Dagna Chamber of Commerce; Juan Stosel, Director of Comex Peru; Ana María Choquehuanca, President of the Peruvian SME Association; and Alfonso Bustamante, President of CONFIEP.

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