Seventh AFP recall: According to the chairman of the Economic Commission, when is the opinion scheduled in the plenary session of the Congress?

Seventh AFP recall: According to the chairman of the Economic Commission, when is the opinion scheduled in the plenary session of the Congress?
With the approved proposal for the withdrawal of the AFP, it is all set to send it to the plenary meeting. Photo: Infobae/Andina composite

Congressional Economic CommissionThis year approved a proposal to allow withdrawal of pension funds up to 4 UIT equal to S/20,600. The novelty of the day, which lasted about three hours, was the endorsement of the speech Includes all subsidiaries, An initial proposal to include only members who have been unemployed for six months without contributions until November 2023 has been withdrawn. A total of 17 votes and three against. AFP Withdrawal Comment For your pass A Plenary Session of the Legislature.

On dates, Chairman Economic Commission, Cesar Revilla (Fuerza Popular)It provided more insight into when feedback could enter a plenary session for discussion. In response to a report by MP Jose Luna (Vamos), he said it could be prioritized this week. “Most of the votes are already there.”

By majority, a proposal to release funds to 4 UITs was approved. | Congress

“I think it is impossible. This approval goes with some administrative situations that must be resolved in practice. It must be published and signed,” Revilla said. Trade.

Argued that administrative matters alone would take at least 15 days. “Colleagues do not know how this kind of judgment should be run. I think he should enter the plenary Last week of April or first week of May”. project.

Cesar RevillaHe revealed that the initial idea of ​​the discussion was to solve the problem of the pension system in Peru in a comprehensive way, but indicated that it was the only possible one, since he could not solve it alone or with the exclusive support of his bench. Option is to approve AFP withdrawals.

“My intention is always to solve the problem completely. But unfortunately, if the colleagues do not want to solve the problem in a comprehensive way – I cannot approve everything alone, nor can my bench alone – unfortunately the only thing left is to recognize what is always happening in the pension system. Withdrawal of immunity. The bench left without voting,'' he said.

“At no time have we looked after the purse strings of the AFP. We want to reform an inclusive, competitive system that serves not only the formal EAP, which includes wages, salaries and informal EAP,” he pointed out. Canal N.

César Revilla, President of the Congressional Economic Commission. Photo: Congress

The Congresswoman Digna Calle The Podemos bench sent a letter to the president yesterday, Tuesday, March 26 CongressAlejandro Soto requests an exemption from the comment and attachment deadline 4 Withdrawal of AFP funds up to UITOn the agenda Full For their respective discussion and approval.

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By Office N° 051-2024-DCL/CR, The Member of Parliament indicated that the discussion should be held as soon as possible in the next Parliament session. To this end, Soto insists on calling a date to give him the green light Fund release up to S/20,600.

They are calling for a full session of Congress to urgently schedule a debate on AFP withdrawal. Photo: Digna Calle

The Economic Commission approved an alternative text, which was accessible infobay peru, Authorizes withdrawal of seventh funds from AFP It applies to all contributors. According to the document approved by the Technical Secretary of the Commission, Distribution of the reserves will be in four armadas. That is, up to S/5,150 each, until it reaches S/20,600, and not as falsely reported in “three installments”.

  • Subsidiaries shall submit their claims physically or practically within 90 calendar days after the promulgation of the provisions of this Act.
  • 1 UIT will be payable (S/5,150) Every 30 calendar days, the first payment is made to the member's private pension fund administrator 30 days after the application is submitted.
  • If the member does not withdraw the funds from his personal capital account, he can request the same from the Private Pension Fund Administrator only once before the next 10 days.
Alternate text for AFP withdrawal. Photo: Aaron Ramos/Infobay Peru

Member of Parliament Cesar Revilla indicated that they will continue to push for the approval of the pension reform, but he is waiting for the proposal of his fellow legislators, because 16 technical tables have been addressed in the commission.

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“We can't say we don't have the data and we haven't brought reform for anyone. We will continue to insist, I am calm because I feel I have done the right thing. I think this is a move that will help those who have AFP backgroundsBut I'm still concerned that we're still not thinking in a way that reflects a Republican Congress,” he added. Trade.

This Monday, March 25, Peru will debate pension reform, including the seventh withdrawal from the pension fund. Photo: Composition Infobae/Aarón Ramos Medina/Andina

In the more than 400-page exhaustive opinion, which was not presented to the commission in its entirety yesterday, these key points were raised:

Compulsory membership from age 18: ONP or AFP

Those who join the National Pension System or Private Organization (AFP) will already be within the reformed pension model once the proposed law comes into force. Meanwhile, those above 18 years of age who are not eligible should enroll in General Model or AFP Model. If they do not express their will, they will join the private sector, where the majority of members and assets are currently concentrated.

Withdrawal of AFP for mortgage loan

The Economic Commission proposes to allow withdrawal of up to 50% of savings funds AFP Pay off the mortgage loan.

Contributions of independent workers

The reform also contemplates imposing a mandatory contribution rate Independent workersIt will be gradually applied to income from fourth and fifth category jobs

Consumption Contributions

The judgment is treated as a consumable pension. This will be a voluntary contribution from the members on their day-to-day purchases. In total, it will be 1% of the amount of value of vouchers issued in each financial year. The limit will be 12 UIT (S/61,800) per annum.

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The minimum pension is S/600

The legislative proposal would set the minimum pension for retirement and disability at S/600 in the case of ONP and AFP, and S/400 for orphans and widows, provided the contributor has contributed for at least 20 years. .

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Private Pension Fund Management System (SPP) It will be integrated not only by the four existing AFPs (Hábitat, Prima, Integra, Profuturo), but also by the Institutions of the Financial System (ESF) contemplated in the General Law of the Financial System and the Insurance System and the Supervisory System. Banking and Insurance (SBS), i.e. banks, financial institutions, municipal funds, investment banks and insurance companies.


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