Sonia Rojas Decut combines strategic alliances in technology and innovation

Sonia Rojas Decut combines strategic alliances in technology and innovation

The Senator for Federal Innovation held a series of meetings with officials of an important UBA research center and received a visit from the Spanish Ambassador to Argentina to strengthen business relations and cooperation agreements.

In the past Missions Senator Sonia Rojas Tikat He held important meetings aimed at strengthening agreements for the benefit of the missionaries. These meetings were created to promote prints like Knowledge economy, environmental policies and innovation in education and health.

This Thursday, Rojas Decut visited the data center Zero + Infinity Belongs to the Faculty of Exact Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). There, Mag. Together with Gabriela Azar, they spoke with Diego Fernández Slezak, Director of the Intramural Center for Data Science, and Guillermo Duran, Dean of the Academic Institute.

As described through his social networks, the possibility of working in the crowd was indicated Strategic alliances allow this company to express itself with Silicon Missions. The approach was focused Application of artificial intelligence for problem solving and decision making.

This link is attached “Great Power” This space focuses on UPA's scientific work and data analysis. Likewise, Silicon Missions, as he explained, is presented as the largest center of innovation and high technology in the region, among other missionary organizations such as IPEC and Polo Tic.

Arrival of possible international agreements

This Wednesday, the Senator received the Ambassador of Spain, MARIA JESUS ​​ALONSO JIMENEZ. Along with Francisco Baldrone, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, They agreed to work on “a joint agenda to strengthen trade relations and cooperation agreements”.in detail.

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In this regard, the missionary said, they agreed that “Argentina has what the world needs in terms of clean energy, food security, sustainable agriculture, environmental and technological innovation in health and education.” He added that Missions will have better opportunities because of “environmental leadership, knowledge economy and innovation”.

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