South American country with safe drinking water in 2023: Where is Peru? | Best Places to Live | World’s Cleanest Cities | the world

South American country with safe drinking water in 2023: Where is Peru?  |  Best Places to Live |  World’s Cleanest Cities |  the world

This South American country has an EPI score of over 60. Photo: Composite of Jazmin Ceras/La República/Manabi Magazine/El País

Important organization QS Supplies UK has published its rankings focusing on the best and worst quality water. In 2023, 10 countries in the world excelled with a score of 100. However, a South American country has established itself with almost 70 points and will be the best not only in that continent, but in all. Latin America.

10 countries with water Cleanest in the world They are Austria, Norway, Greece, Finland, Iceland, Netherlands, Malta, Ireland, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. It is recommended to drink tap water only in those places. now, Which is better in South America and Latin America? An additional fact: the worst is Haiti.

Austria has one of the best quality drinking water in the world. Photo: Andes

The only country in South America with the best quality drinking water in the world by 2023

This is about Chilewith EPI score or index 66,8 And is in the top 40 in the world. Opening faucets or pipes for drinking, cooking, cleaning, and other activities is normal in that South American country. In addition, it is interesting to see transparent water flowing.

Chile competes with the best of Europe in this 2023 ranking. Photo: Induambiente

More precisely, globally, Chile ranks 38thAbove Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Mauritania.

Map of countries where it is recommended to drink drinking water from taps. Photo: QS Supplies UK

In the general panorama, there are more European countries nominated as the best countries, and more Latin American countries among the worst countries, competing with Africa.

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South American countries with the best water quality: Where is Peru?

This is the complete list QS Supplies UK. Chile is best in South America and Latin America; And Peru is ranked 18th; That is, in the middle of the figures.

  • Chile with 66.8
  • Uruguay 61.8
  • Argentina 59.5
  • Costa Rica with 55.3
  • Colombia with 50.1
  • Mexico with 50.0
  • Trinidad and Tobago 48.5
  • Bahamas with 47.8
  • Barbados with 47.8
  • Jamaica 47.3
  • Ecuador 46.7
  • Cuba with 46.0
  • Antigua and Barbuda with 45.2
  • Brazil 45.2
  • with Paraguay
  • Venezuela 43.6
  • Dominica Khan 43,5
  • Peru with 42.8
  • Nicaragua 42.2
  • St. Lucia with 42.2
  • Panama with 41.7
  • 41.1 with St. Vincent and the Grenadines
  • El Salvador with 40.8
  • Belize with 39.6
  • Bolivia with 38.5
  • Dominican Republic 35.2
  • Guyana 32.6
  • Honduras with 30.9
  • Guatemala with 27.2
  • Granada with 44.4
  • Haiti with 13.9.

Scores of countries with the best water quality in the world. Photo: QS Supplies UK

What is the best country in Latin America to live in during your retirement?

Mexico is a great country for retirees to enjoy a peaceful life. According to International lifeThe Aztec territory has beautiful colonial cities with cool climates, quiet towns, deserts, spas, glaciers, mountains and tropical forests that can be adapted to suit every retiree’s lifestyle.

Mexico has established itself as the best country to retire in Latin America. Photo: exportou

Cost of living Mexico This is one of its characteristics that makes it stand out in the 2023 rankings. Most goods and services are cheap America oh CanadaBuildings, health centers and food.

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The index indicates that a retired couple can live comfortably in Mexico on a budget of $2,000 to $2,500 per month.


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